Archives for 2013

Port of Oakland Truckers are Set to Strike.. Here’s our Intv Breaking down the situation

Oakland Truckers Strike

We talked with independent Oakland truck driver Isaiah Thomas about the plight of independent truckers who use the Port of Oakland and the wretched conditions and harsh mistreatment many have to endure.

For starters they are being forced to spend up to $80k to modify their expensive trucks. They are made to sit with engines idling for up to 6 hours to load and pick up a delivery when its been shown and proposed that time could be more efficiently used by the Port companies.

The cost of gas and other expenses incurred for operating a truck runs on average 6-7k a month, not counting the new payments they will have to make for truck modifications. The independent truckers have banned together to form Port of Oakland Truckers Association (POTA) and after having exhausted just about every option, which includes meeting with Oakland Mayor Jean Quan to meeting with Port officials to going before California Air Resource Board (CARB)

The Port of Oakland Truckers are set to strike 6 am ..Wednesday Nov 27 2013..

Here’s a couple of good articles to bring you up to speed:

Here’s their breakdown of the situation with Isaiah

Mistah Fab Speaks About His Annual Food Drive & Gentrification in North Oakland

mistah-fabWe caught up with long time Oakland rapper Mistah Fab to talk to him about his 6th annual holiday giveaway. He will be giving away turkeys and plates of food for needy families in North Oakland off 45th and Market today (Tues Nov 27th ) where he grew up.

During our interview we talked at length about what Fab describes as the unwritten obligation artists have to give back to the community. He noted that many get paid handsomely from talking about the struggles, tribulations and overall lifestyle experienced by many in the hood. The least one can do is give back and not make this a one way street where you only take, take, take..

We talked about some of the Oakland artists and sports figures who have already done food drives like Seattle Seahawk running back Marshall Lynch and Cincinnati Bengal quarterback Josh Johnson. Fab noted how troubling it was to see over 500 families lining up at Oakland Tech where Lynch and Johnson attended school to get food. He noted that it was a clear indication about how dire it is for many and that at all costs all of us who can do better by extending a helping hand.

We also talked about the massive gentrification that is taking place in North Oakland and what sort of challenges its presented for his community. Fab noted that not too long ago during one of his charity events, new residents called the police in attempt to shut things down.. Fab found out who called and went and had a conversation and noted that dialogue is crucial.

Mistah Fab He said new comers to Oakland need to respect the people and culture that is already here and get familiar with things.. At the same time he noted that many who he grew up with need to be better educated about the process that’s unfolding.

He said many younger folks inherited houses from parents and grandparents and have been offered 300-400k  to sell their homes. Fab noted while that’s nice chunk of change, its important to hold on to your property because in the long run it will be worth twice as much..We also talked about his song writing prowess..

Lastly we concluded our convo about Fab and his song writing prowess. He laid out the artists he’s been working with, like Snoop Dogg and Too Short and some of the new projects he has on the horizon like the one with Keyisha Coles

Don’t Believe all the Media Hype about the Knock Out Game-It’s Propaganda 101

Davey-D-brown-frameSo today for the umpteenth time we saw another news story, designed to cause mass hysteria with solemn sounding anchors telling us to be on ‘high alert’ for roving gangs of Black youth participating in this nationwide trend called ‘The Knock Out Game‘..

As anchors launch into their tales of terror showing us the same grainy stock footage which includes a teacher being knocked out in New Jersey from two years ago and a woman being knocked out in London, a ticker tape runs across the bottom of our screens telling us police are on the look out for these ‘young thugs’ and have ordered extra patrols…

The story depending on what city you see it reported, will then tell you about two bike riders in St Louis being knocked out or Black kids in Brooklyn looking for Jews to knock out.. There’s a report of some kid knocking a woman out in San Diego..All the reports show the same video footage of some young teens in Jersey bragging about how they knock folks out.. By then our blood is either boiling or we are scared to death.

The anchors voices then get shrill as they pull out a map detailing what parts of the country the attacks have happened. In the past month there have been 7 knock outs and according to the anchors the videos are being posted all over YouTube by the hundreds.

All the news stories then launch into a field reporter interviewing someone who knows of a friend who knows a friend who got knocked out and went to the hospital because of the knock out game..

Knock Out Game These news stories from coast to coast end with the reporters telling us two people have been killed by what police think MAY have been a version of the knock out game..We are left concluding that we no longer need to fear terrorists organizations like Al Qaeda, but instead be wary of marauding Black Youth. The message is when you see them run. Why? Because they are gonna knock you out.

These reports have understandably led to some harsh reactions with many publishing blogs and posting YouTube vlogs promising to shoot if someone dares to try to knock them out. In fact if you go on-line, you are likely to find scores of threatening responses to the Knock Out Game then you are the same 3 or 4 videos all of from years past repeatedly being shown on news stations around the country reporting this ‘new‘ ‘disturbing trend‘.

It’s important that folks not get caught up in the hype of the Knock Out Game without putting it in historical, social and political context. First let’s be clear in understanding what this is.. the Knock Out game is ASSAULT.. and when a group of people are ‘targeting people at random’ to assault them, that is basically another form of BULLYING.

Knock Out Wylding teens Are assaults and bullying acceptable? Absolutely not. Should we be concerned? Of course but let’s be honest when reporting on this type of anti social behavior. Yes there are crimes that occur. Yes there are innocent folks who get attacked robbed etc.  But this is not whats being reported. many in the media are making it appear as if this is some sort of game spreading like wild fire from coast to coast. Its simply not true. The fact that they are taking any crime and calling it as part of knock out game trend is akin to when the police label every crime in certain communities ‘gang related’.

If we look at this honestly, every generation and every inner city has had some sort of ‘knock out game‘ or unsavory group action that was attributed to Black youth that the media brought to the forefront. These actions were never as big and widespread as reported but it made for good TV and gave politicians a chance to talk tough and push for new harsh laws.  What’s being report is now is the repackaging and rewording an age-old propaganda designed to stoke fears, increase ratings and justify demonizing and criminalizing entire groups of people.

For those who don’t know, the knock out game was called ‘wylding‘ or ‘rat packing‘ when I was coming up in New York. In Oakland it was called ‘mobbing‘ In other parts of the country it was called clocking, chin checking, and just plain old jumping. Under those names the image of vicious, out of control black teens were attached to them, but such activities should not be separated from those suburban teens who would head to the gay parts of town and jump folks in what we would commonly call gay bashing.

That should not be separated from the folks who would see Jewish kids wearing yarmulkes or what folks thought were black cowboy hats and snatch them or knock them off their heads and attack them, perceiving them to be weak. Others attacked them because they perceived to have lots of money and were easy pickings. Some would call it Jew Jumping.

That should not be separated from those who would see and attack Sikhs wearing turbans or Muslim women wearing hijab . This was ‘all the rage‘ after 9-11. Key word ‘rage’ which was used as justification.

Collge mob sceneThis should not be separated from roving teens who routinely have jumped and knocked out unsuspecting homeless folks over the years or folks who would shoot pellet guns at unsuspecting bike riders or throw rocks from freeways overpasses at unsuspecting drivers. or even full blown riots at college campuses .Often times such activities were reduced to kids just mischief-making.

None of this can separated from the vicious attacks that have routinely visited Mexican day labors by xenophobic types in violent versions of ‘Knock out’ commonly known as ‘Beaner Jumping‘ or ‘Wetback Whippings‘. In some parts of the country attacks on Mexican migrants would occur with folks referring to them as ‘Walking ATM Machines‘ because it was believed they carried cash were unlikely to report crimes to the police.

It was just a few years ago that our nation’s newspapers were splattered with headlines about how a group of suburban teens from Long Island attacked two Ecuadorean Brothers who were walking arm and arm thinking they were gay and ‘illegal’ gay and illegal brutally beat them with bats killing one. Once caught it was discovered that this group of teens who had dubbed themselves ‘The Caucasian Crew’ had been on a week-long spree of jumping Brown folks who they thought were undocumented.. They described Beaner Jumping as a commonplace game.. You can read about that HERE

9 year old Brisenia Flores was shot and killed after self-styled vigilante border patrollers suspected her family of being in this country illegally

9 year old Brisenia Flores was shot and killed vigilante border patrollers

In recent years we seen this immigrant bashing take on new heights with folks under the guise of ‘patrolling the border‘ and sporting names like Minute Men with many having Neo Nazi ties would see themselves playing the ultimate real life war game as they would head down to borders of Arizona and Texas in droves looking for ‘illegals’ to capture, beat up and sometimes shoot. Folks may wanna look up the tragic shooting death of Raul Flores and his 9-year-old daughter Brisenia by Minutemen who thought they were here illegally. Read about that HERE

Some of you reading this are old enough to recall that if you lived in New York City in the 70s there was a game called Kill Nigger Day and if you went to certain parts of town like Bensonhurst, Brookland, Pelham Bay in the Bronx, Howard Beach in Queens you were gonna get mobbed on by angry whites who basically did this for fun.

If you lived in Boston and went to South Boston same thing would happen.In fact folks may wanna look at the rap sheet of actor Mark Walhberg who as a youth was quite fond of jumping Blacks and Asians youth.. He was not an exception to what was often described by many as the most racist city in America. Read about that HERE.

In generations past in cities like LA the game was called Spook Hunting.. In fact there was white racist gang calling themselves the Spook Hunters who would patrol the borders of Watts and Mexican neighborhoods to make sure no Blacks or Brown folks would leave the area. For fun they would head into the area and attack folks. Many of these folks were war veterans.. You can read about that HERE..

We also know that many of those military folks , in particular sailors while on duty would routinely go out and bash on Mexicans wearing Zoot suits. The random attacks led to what we now call the Zoot Suit Riots. You can read aboutthat HERE

Later we would learn the police themselves under Chief William H Parker would patrol the Watts area which on the force was dubbed The Duck Pond Officers like the Spook Hunters would keep Blacks contained in that area and for fun would venture off into Watts to jam up folks  in sadistic activity called Duck Hunting.. They would go in and harass young Black teens with the goal of letting them know who was in charge. You can read about that HERE

In more recent days we saw the spook hunting, duck hunting mentality rear its ugly head during Katrina. In the Algiers section of New Orleans you had white mobs roaming around going ‘Peasant hunting‘ where Blacks were shot at random. At least 11 were killed as they were seeking refuge.  This is outlined in the documentary and ground breaking report Katrina’s Hidden Race War. You can Read about that HERE.

Last year we saw a group of deputies fired from the LA Sheriff department because of their random attacks on Black and Brown folks in LA in what was called Jumping.. They dubbed themselves the Jump Out Boys. You can read about that HERE

The Caucasion Crew of Long Island who did 'Beaner Jumping

The Caucasion Crew of Long Island who did ‘Beaner Jumping’

I could go on listing things, but the larger point I’m getting at is that sadly mob violence is as American as Apple Pie. From the ‘Knock Out Game’ and ‘Beaner Jumping’ to lynchings and vigilante justice. There have always been cowardly folks who hid behind large numbers, weapons and badges who have reigned sheer hell upon innocent people. Its bullying 101 and folks of all stripes have had a hand in this. None of it is excusable. None of it should be accepted. It should not be excused as boys being boys or teens just doing a little mischief-making.  This why the knock out game reporting has been so troubling, because it acts like this is something new and isolated to one group of people vs it being systemic with deep-seated roots in our country’s psyche. In fact the media sensationalizing and outright lying about a trend that doesn’t exist could be characterized as a game of Knock Out by proxy, because the end result will be folks reacting aggressively and maybe even fatally to imagined dangers conjured up by media hype. The case of Jordan Davis, Trayvon Martin and now Renisha McBride are examples of this over reaction.

With all these recent news reports of Knock Outs folks may be quick to forget it was just two weeks ago these same reporters were telling us to hide our cell phones because everyone was getting them snatched and with daylights saving times the FEAR’ was evil cell phone snatchers would be out in droves looking to make you a victim..

We have forgotten that it was just a year ago that these same anchors were warning us to watch out ‘Flash mobs’ of Black youths that were going on terror sprees attacking white folks all over the country from Milwaukee to Philly and we needed to be on the look out. In fact the Mayor of Philly Michael Nutter went ahead and passed legislation for Youth curfews. Other cities around the country used the Flash mob reports and attempted to follow suit.

Many of us have forgotten that not too long before the Flash Mob news reports we were told that the evil, vicious Mexican cartels were now invading America and taking over the drug trade and attacking folks and that we need to run for the hills. Many forgot that we were being bombarded with stories and numerous TV specials about MS-13 the World Most Dangerous Gang and they were an international super predator gang that was taking over cities all over America.

There were even some ‘special reports’ linking them to terrorists organizations like Al Qaeda and more recently Hezbollah. Needless to say these reports caused a big stir which helped usher in anti-immigrant bills like SB1070 and HB 86 in Alabama.

It led to lawmakers from Texas to Florida to California warning us to watch out for ‘anchor babies’ and ‘terror babies’ as they used the reports as rationale to try to change the constitution that would disallow children born in the US from undocumented parents from being citizens. The threat of the Brown menace was used as an excuse to get billions, not millions of dollars to new border walls.

Ironically the same companies building walls here in the US are the same companies building walls in Israel/Palestine where hysteria around Brown Arabs wylding out has led to economic windfall. Lets just keep it 100% real, the threat of the Black Brute and Brown menace is Big Business for a lot of people. It’s a tradition that dates back a century in popular media from the days of Birth of a Nation which led to the rise of the KKK to the lies told about rapes and murders in the Superdome during New Orleans to now..Zeaolous politicians and law and order types reacting to these false narratives can easily build political capital, using communities and groups of people who are not fully prepared to counter…

The nationwide hype of the ‘knock out game’ are designed to get us hysterically upset, fearful and angry resulting in us embracing policies and laws that will soon be proposed that justify racial profiling designed to protect us (translation: protect good white folks from ‘out of control Black and Brown mobs’)

***Update to this story..*** as predicted: A bill is being drafted to give folks who play the knock out game’ 4-25 yrs depending on age..If I was abetting man I’d say this is a playbook from ALEC designed to sweep the country state by state.. end goal fill the prisons..Watch miinor things become ‘Knock Out Related..

A New York state legislator is drafting a new bill to increase the penalty for crimes related to the terrifying and deadly new “Knockout Game” trend. A 25-year sentence is being proposed for teens ages 14 and up who play the game, film it, or stand by and watch.

 New York State Assemblyman James Tedisco told Elisabeth Hasselbeck on this morning’s Fox and Friends, “We can’t let kids use their youth as a way to get out of a serious and very violent series of incidents which are happening and continue to expand.”

3 Funny TV Commercials to Keep You Smiling Throughout the Day

Mike TysonJust saw this commercial for Foot Locker Week of Greatness commercial and had to laugh out loud because of its cleverness.  What stood out was Mike Tyson interacting with fellow boxer Evander Holyfield. Its a classic exchange that left me in stitches and made me think of other commercials that have similar charm. Below are a few that folks may remember,  appreciate and make you smile…

First here’s the Mike Tyson and Foot Lockers  Week of Greatness..

Back in the days Soul Train would do commercials featuring historic African-American figures..  Here’s a vintage one starring abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass going in on a brother about his hair..

For those of you who live in the Bay Area, you may recall Soul Beat TV which was a pioneering Black owned TV outlet. It was the first of its kind with a variety of shows.. What always stood out were the commercials which featured local shop owners trying to get their acting game on.. The result were some Vintage Soul Beat TV Commercials

Remembering John F Kennedy and asking; Where Did He stand on Civil & Human Rights?

John_F._Kennedy,_White_House_color_photo_portraitToday November 22 2013 will mark the 50th anniversary of President John F Kennedy being assassinated as his motorcade drove through Dallas, Texas. Understandably many will be focused on the circumstances surrounding his death.. Some will say it was a coup and that forces within the military took over the country and for the most part still run things today. Others will say it was a hit from the mob (organized crime). Still others will claim it was political enemies who wanted Kennedy out the way at all costs. Others are still wondering about Jacqueline Kennedy’s pink dress and where has been put since that fateful day..All these scenarios and more will be discussed in earnest today..

Personally such discussions are fruitless if we do not take time to look at Kennedy’s policies. Where did he stand on important issues of the day and how has the work he put in and policies and supported continued? Was he a progressive? Was he middle of the road? Was he cautious? Was he a visionary? Many who are old enough say that Kennedy’s time in office was the Age of Camelot. What does that mean and with the passage of 50 years do folks still feel that way?

It was on Kennedy’s watch that many who were fighting for freedom and justice were under government surveillance via Cointel-Pro and his decision to enhance the Cold War. How do we feel about that 50 years later, knowing that many organizations destroyed, movements were crippled and many lives ruined via these policies?

For many of us the questions we should asking is where did Kennedy stand on the Civil Rights and Human Rights? Was he aggressive on ending racial hostilities which were abundant as the Civil Rights Movement was in full gear or did he have to be pressured to get involved and take a stand?  Remember Kennedy voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1957.  Many in the Democratic Party especially in the South were staunchly against Civil Rights and Kennedy had to appeal to them..  What were his policies toward Africa and other colonized nations who were fighting for and gaining independence?

In looking back over 50 years how was Kennedy’s record on Civil and Human Rights compared to Presidents like;  Lydon B Johnson? Jimmy Carter? Bill Clinton? How would we compare President Obama and his stance on pressing racial and human rights issues vs JFK? How does he compare with policies toward Apartheid, South Africa,  Latin America? The Middle East? Vietnam?

Many claim that Kennedy’s speech on race and civil rights delivered June 11 1963 was game changer. He filled many with hope and some like Dr King saw him as a visionary of sorts.. Malcolm X saw him as an obstacle who was in the way of Black liberation.. The day after this speech was delivered Civil Rights activist Medger Evers was gunned down in Mississippi..

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SFPD Brutally Beat Black Bicyclist & 3 Others: Father & Sister Speak Out

DJ Paris WilliamsLast Friday the eyes of the world were on San Francisco, California when thousands of people came together to transform the City by the Bay into Gotham City, home to the Caped Crusader Batman. On this particular day San Francisco was playing host to another hero 5 year leukemia patient Miles Scott who donned a suit and played Batkid. The Chief of police for SFPD Greg Suhr and Mayor Ed Lee pulled out all the stops to help the Make a Wish Foundation grant Scott his wish to enact a number of scenarios ranging from saving a damsel in distress to stopping bank robbery. He helped Batman take on his arch nemeses like the Penguin..

Seemingly everyone in the city got into the act. Traffic was stopped, buses rerouted and over 15 thousand people took off from work and went down to City Hall to see Mayor Ed Lee present a Miles a key to the city. The day was filled with lots of smiles and lots of tears as everyone wished Miles a speedy recovery. Among those in attendance was 21-year-old  ‘DJ’ Paris Williams, a well-mannered, popular 21-year-old SF City College student and avid bicyclist.

He left the event elated along with everyone and rode his bike back home which was several blocks away at the Valencia Gardens Apartment.  As DJ rode up to his door as he has done hundreds of times, he was approached by two undercover officers. They took issue with DJ riding his bike on the sidewalk The only problem was the apartment complex is private property and not are residents allowed to ride their bikes within the complex, they frequently do.. Here’s what DJ’s friend wrote about what took place next on the instagram site:TakingastandSF

Apparently, the officers said something to DJ about riding his bicycle on the sidewalk as he was pulling up to his home in the complex. It is unclear whether the officers identified themselves or not, but did proceed to get out of their car, grab DJ from behind as he was entering the home and beat him for no apparent reason. A police search uncovered a cupcake and juice that DJ had just purchased from the corner store. Nobody has spoken to DJ since the incident occurred as he was immediately taken to S.F. General Hospital for treatment, and then to the 850 Bryant police station. So far, it appears no charges have been made against DJ either.

There is building video surveillance footage of DJ’s confrontation w/ police, but it that has yet to be released by housing authority. Furthermore, three residents came to DJ’s aid when they saw officers beating him up, only to find themselves also under attack by officers. By this time, uniformed backup had arrived on the scene. Including DJ, a total of four individuals were beaten and arrested by officers. Video footage of the altercations that occurred after DJ was beaten can be seen here:

RIP Andy Lopez

RIP Andy Lopez

Needless to say what took place has angered not only the residents of Valencia Gardens which is a tight-knit community, but folks all over the Bay Area who have grown weary of out of all this brutality incidents by out of control police. From the shooting death of unarmed 13-year-old Andy Lopez last month to unarmed 16-year-old James Rivera being shot 48 times in Stockton to the coverup and shooting death of Alan Bluford in Oakland to 61-year-old disabled Andrea Naharro shot this past weekend in San Jose, folks all over are on edge. There have been a number of protests calling for charges to be placed on the officers in the Valencia Gardens incident.

In talking with residents a few concerns have surfaced. The main one is that Valencia Gardens is in the historic mission district which has been undergoing massive gentrification. As more white folks have been moving in, many Black and Brown folks who long made up the majority of folks living in the Mission have noted they are frequently being profiled and stopped by police. They are often viewed suspiciously, even though they have lived there for generations…Many feel that they are being made to feel unwelcome in their own neighborhoods and police harassment is part of a larger process to make it so uncomfortable that folks move out.

DJ Williams ProtestThe other concern is that the police now patrolling the area around Valencia Gardens are young inexperienced and rookie cops who have little connection or familiarity to the community. Its been noted that in years past the police knew the folks living in the Gardens and the residents knew the police.. Now they have folks who see the VG as a community where they can get some street smarts and cut their teeth using the residents as fodder..Since the protests instead of trying to meet and reassure residents, police have increased patrols and sending undercover officers around as a way to intimidate folks. The people who were beaten have been left traumatized. Some have not returned to their homes.

We sat down with Selina Rodriguez whose brother Orlando was one of the residents shown in the video being pummeled by police. His face was smashed on the ground and was bloodied up pretty bad. The other person we interviewed is Frank Williams, father to DJ Williams and  a long time community activist who works with people coming out of prison to be transitioned back into society. Both have degrees in criminal justice and are keen organizers. Selina has put together several of the protests with more to come and has complained about SFPD officers sitting right outside her house trying to intimidate her..

Frank Williams described his son as someone who is deeply hurt and too shook up to come back to Valencia Gardens. He’s been staying with relatives. He doesn’t understand how and why such brutality was unleashed on him..Williams during our conversation described what took place as straight up terrorism with officers who had nothing but hate and contempt for the residents they beat up.  Below is our interview with both Selina and Frank.

Also check out articles on this at



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DJ Paris Williams after being beaten by SFPD

DJ Paris Williams after being beaten by SFPD

Blood from the beating of Orlando Rodgriguez

Blood from the beating of Orlando Rodgriguez

A Conversation w/ Omali Yeshitela about Black Leadership and The Uhuru Movement

omali Black is BackHere on Hard Knock Radio and Free Speech TV, we’ve been doing a series on leadership and exploring the political philosophy that inform organizers and the movements they are a part of.. We want to give listeners and viewers and chance to hear directly from leaders about their respective organizations without their words being reduced to soundbites or have us distracted by arguments about who is right or wrong..

We understand that many have spent years of their lives and lots resources uplifting their organizations and hence we wanted to provide a platform where they can present their insights and allow folks to follow-up based upon what is said and not interpreted via us in the media.

We recently sat down with Omali Yeshitela who is the Chairman of the International people’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDum) which is headquartered in St Petersburg, Florida and had an in-depth conversation about his organization which is part of the larger

Omali explained that his organization are African Internationalist and they fight for the liberation of African people throughout the diaspora. They also believe that socialism should be the way in which we govern..

Our conversation touched upon a wide range of issues ranging from strategies one must use to obtain a successful movement, points in which movements can compromise, building strong coalitions, the role of women in the movement and how to dismantle sexism. We talked about the importance of culture and artistic expression in building a movement.

We also talked about the Uhuru Movement’s upcoming  African People’s Socialist Party Sixth Congress to be held in St. Petersburg, Florida, December 7-11.

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A Conversation w/ Dr Jill Stein & Cheri Honkala on Obamacare & the Green Shadow Cabinet

Jill-Stein-Cheri-Honkala-LargeOn our recent Hard Knock Radio show we sat down with former presidential and vice presidential candidates for the Green Party in 2012, Dr Jill Stein and long time human rights and anti poverty activist Cheri Honkala.. Both women weighed in on the challenges surrounding the Obamacare roll out and they offer up a number of solutions that would help improve things..

Dr Jill Stein is from Massachusetts where Romneycare was implemented. She noted that the Affordable Care Act is based on that model and she laid out what has worked and what has not work since its been the law of the land where she is from. She detailed that Romneycare was  basically a giveaway for health insurance companies and that many people upon seeing that they were insured felt good until they actually got sick and realized that most of what is needed to help them  was barely covered if at all under the law. She noted that many throughout the country will be in for a rude awakening under Obamacare. She asserts that what is being offered will fall far short of what is needed.

Cheri Honkala who heads up the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign talked about the needs of the folks they routinely encounter with their work. She noted that very few of them and none of the anti poverty organizations she works with were ever invited or able to give input and feedback to the Healthcare Law as it was being crafted. She concluded with Dr Stein, the reason for this was because it was ultimately designed to be  a benefit for the healthcare Insurance industry. The underlying goal was privatization.

Both women talked at length about viable alternatives and noted that the real goal and solution is single-payer and medicaid for all..

Later in our interview Dr Jill and Cheri talked about the future of the green party and the Green Shadow Cabinet and how its functioning. They explained how people can be involved and detailed the work some of its key members are doing. They drafted a position paper on how to deal with the TTP (Trans Pacific Partnership ), they sent out an open letter to on why we they must change directions on Obamacare . You can read that HERE.

Their big project right now is watching the federal budget talks which are hardly being talked about in the mainstream media. The Green Shadow Cabinet is set to unveil a competing budget proposal called the Peace Budget

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Final Call: Celebrity accountability: Should it matter to Black America?

Celebrity once meant a person had a platform with the potential to be a leader and was influential because of their visibility.  But that meant a certain expectation to uphold values that could be emulated by those who weren’t celebrities.. Today celebrity takes different forms and a certain mindset—stars are chosen because they’re not going to rock the boat… -Davey D-

( – Star power, social responsibility and controversy surfaced again over a partnership between hip hop entrepreneur Jay Z aka Shawn Carter and a high end store accused of racially profiling customers and rapper-businessman Kanye West’s appropriation of the Confederate Stars and Bars flag for a clothing line.

Jay Z issued a statement Nov. 15 defending his decision to keep his product line partnership with Barney’s, despite lawsuits alleging the New York store racially profiled Black customers. One customer was arrested after using his own credit card to purchase a $350 belt.

“The easy position would have been to walk away and leave policy making to others hoping that someone addresses the problem. I will not leave the outcome to others. I will take this into my own hands with full power to recommend, review and revise policies and guidelines moving forward,” said Jay Z, in the mid-November statement posted to his website.


The rapper and businessman called his decision a commitment to tackle the problem head on, with a “leadership role and seat on a council specifically convened to deal with the issue of racial profiling.”

“As I previously stated, the collaboration with Barneys has always been about giving and The Shawn Carter Foundation. From this collection, the Foundation will receive not only 25 percent of sales, it will now receive the additional 75 percent of Barneys’ sales, totaling 100 percent of all sales from BNY SCC. Along with 100 percent of sales from the collaboration, the Foundation will receive an additional 10 percent of all retail sales from Barneys New York stores nationwide and on November 20th,” said Jay Z.

His Shawn Carter Foundation grants scholarships to single mothers, children in alternative schools, and others who generally don’t receive scholarships.

Kanye seemed less concerned about negative opinions during a recent radio interview in which he discussed the backlash. “Any energy is good energy. You know the Confederate flag represented slavery in a way—that’s my abstract take on what I know about it. So I made the song ‘New Slaves.’ So I took the Confederate flag and made it my flag. It’s my flag. Now what are you going to do?” he asked.
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Are the Antics of Crack Smoking Mayor Rob Ford ‘Real News’ or Exploitation by the Media?

today show -rob-fordDear Today Show and other mainstream media outlets.. why is the Mayor w/ a substance abuse problem your lead story? Is this really news or exploitation?? Why not do an in-depth story on how people can get some help?

Its interesting watching so many pointing a finger at Mayor Rob Ford in Toronto laughing at his crack addiction when so many have addictions of their own.. How many folks are walking around high on meth? High on E? High on pain killers and other prescriptions drugs? How many are walking around drunk every weekend?

You guys at the Today Show need to be doing shows on why so many people are getting high.. What harsh, hopeless realities are folks trying to escape from

Last I checked the good ole US of A is where the largest amount of drugs are consumed globally. The War on Drugs is a multi-Billion dollar a year industry.. The massive drug wars that have ravaged part of Mexico and South America are all connected to American addictions, but we’re laughing and pointing fingers at the Mayor of Toronto?

Before we get to high and mighty about a Mayor’s substance abuse problem in a city where most of us have never been and will probably never visit, you better be more concerned about the Wall Street bankers tanking the economy and trying to privatize everything under the sun who is high on coke.. and addicted to money and power..

Worry about the out of control cop with a quick temper and paranoid persona who is hopped up on steroids and God knows what when patrolling our streets..

Worry about the 13 or 14-year-old doing stick ups and home invasions in our community who is high on meth, E, lean, molly and all sorts of new designer drugs.. How can we get them sane again?

Yes we get it.. watching someone do crazy things while high on crack has its funny moments.. But we can leave that to comedians like Dave Chappell and Chris Rock. When it shows up as lead stories on the daily newscasts it’s a disservice and a distraction from more issues, like whats getting taken out of the new federal budget over the next 3 a story on that Today Show..

Talk about the Supreme Ct refusing to hear a court case challenging domestic spying yesterday in spit of the hundreds of thousands who signed petitions and the millions who expressed grave concerns..Talk about Senator Dianne Feinstein awarding her husband billions in contracts to take over postal service buildings which they are trying to privatize.. Lets talk about those conflicts of interests..At the very least we should be examining this Mayor’s policies.. Is he right wing? Left wing?  A profiteer? A privatizer?

Montreal protestsIf we are suddenly gonna cover news in Canada how about giving some press time to the Idle No More Movement and the Native resistance against the Keystone XL Pipeleine. If we’re gonna cover Canada how about alerting folks to the fact more than a million people were in the streets of Montreal last year protesting education cuts.. Give that some air time Today show.

here’s another thing we should be concerned about.. Why hasn’t this Mayor been arrested if he violated the law. The same laws that often see many other locked behind bars.. Peep these remarks from a fellow council members