Are the Antics of Crack Smoking Mayor Rob Ford ‘Real News’ or Exploitation by the Media?

today show -rob-fordDear Today Show and other mainstream media outlets.. why is the Mayor w/ a substance abuse problem your lead story? Is this really news or exploitation?? Why not do an in-depth story on how people can get some help?

Its interesting watching so many pointing a finger at Mayor Rob Ford in Toronto laughing at his crack addiction when so many have addictions of their own.. How many folks are walking around high on meth? High on E? High on pain killers and other prescriptions drugs? How many are walking around drunk every weekend?

You guys at the Today Show need to be doing shows on why so many people are getting high.. What harsh, hopeless realities are folks trying to escape from

Last I checked the good ole US of A is where the largest amount of drugs are consumed globally. The War on Drugs is a multi-Billion dollar a year industry.. The massive drug wars that have ravaged part of Mexico and South America are all connected to American addictions, but we’re laughing and pointing fingers at the Mayor of Toronto?

Before we get to high and mighty about a Mayor’s substance abuse problem in a city where most of us have never been and will probably never visit, you better be more concerned about the Wall Street bankers tanking the economy and trying to privatize everything under the sun who is high on coke.. and addicted to money and power..

Worry about the out of control cop with a quick temper and paranoid persona who is hopped up on steroids and God knows what when patrolling our streets..

Worry about the 13 or 14-year-old doing stick ups and home invasions in our community who is high on meth, E, lean, molly and all sorts of new designer drugs.. How can we get them sane again?

Yes we get it.. watching someone do crazy things while high on crack has its funny moments.. But we can leave that to comedians like Dave Chappell and Chris Rock. When it shows up as lead stories on the daily newscasts it’s a disservice and a distraction from more issues, like whats getting taken out of the new federal budget over the next 3 a story on that Today Show..

Talk about the Supreme Ct refusing to hear a court case challenging domestic spying yesterday in spit of the hundreds of thousands who signed petitions and the millions who expressed grave concerns..Talk about Senator Dianne Feinstein awarding her husband billions in contracts to take over postal service buildings which they are trying to privatize.. Lets talk about those conflicts of interests..At the very least we should be examining this Mayor’s policies.. Is he right wing? Left wing?  A profiteer? A privatizer?

Montreal protestsIf we are suddenly gonna cover news in Canada how about giving some press time to the Idle No More Movement and the Native resistance against the Keystone XL Pipeleine. If we’re gonna cover Canada how about alerting folks to the fact more than a million people were in the streets of Montreal last year protesting education cuts.. Give that some air time Today show.

here’s another thing we should be concerned about.. Why hasn’t this Mayor been arrested if he violated the law. The same laws that often see many other locked behind bars.. Peep these remarks from a fellow council members



  1. Maya Janelle says

    keep up the good work, dealing crack in Fort Mac