Featured Stories

Davey D: Did the Telecommunications Act of ’96 Stifle Diversity in Rap Music?
A lot of folks point to the 1996 Telecommunications Act and say its the key mark in the sand… I disagree and allow me to give some context.. First I was one of those people who actually spoke at FCC hearings when this was being proposed and covered the 96 Act on my radio show […]

Is Bruno Mars a Culture Vulture? No, He is Not!
So as of late, there has been a lot of discussion around singer Bruno Mars and some folks insisting that he is guilty of cultural appropriation. The definition of this term Cultural Appropriation means: the act of taking or using things from a culture that is not your own, especially without showing that you understand […]

Hip Hop Has Always Been Political
Whenever we talk about Hip Hop and Politics it’s always done from the standpoint with us going to the ballot box as the ultimate goal. Don’t get me wrong, voting and participating in the electoral arena are important, but Hip Hop is so much bigger and so is politics. For many of us politics is […]

Is Hip Hop’s Audience Really 80% White?
Is Hip Hop’s Audience Really 80% White? By Davey D original article-July 15, 2006 In recent days a debate has ensued on my website daveyd.com, around one of Hip Hop’s biggest myths. It started in 1991 when Newsweek Magazine did a cover story on Gangsta Rap and in their article they put out an un-researched […]
Claims that R. Kelly Has Increased Record Sales is a Bunch of Hype
So all these news outlets are running around reporting that in the wake of the documentary that there’s been a spike in his ‘Sales’ of R Kelley’s music… There’s a lot of straight-up bullshyt in those headlines so let’s unpack what’s happening. The headlines ‘R Kelly Record Sales Increase‘ suggest one of two scenarios. The […]