August 21st is a crazy day today.. First it marks the 43rd anniversary of George Jackson being killed in San Quentin by prison guards.. His death and the movement he sparked to change conditions inside prison is a catalyst for Black August..
Jackson was a prisoner who became an author, a member of the Black Panther Party, and co-founder of the Black Guerrilla Family prison organization. He achieved global fame as one of the Soledad Brothers before being executed by prison guards in San Quentin Prison. He was man who fought to change the conditions of prisoners which were best articulated in a book which contains a collection of letters and essays called ‘Soledad Brother‘ and Blood in My Eye which was completed just days before he died. The latter book focuses on Jackson’s philosophy and understanding of the Freedom struggles at that time..

Nat Turner and FEAR of slave revolts has resulted in deep-seated suspicions of Black people that are alive and well today
Today also marks the day that Nat Turner led a slave rebellion in 1831 in Virginia..55 whites were killed.. 100 African who were enslaved were killed.. 56 were executed.. Nat’s actions led to new laws forbidding the educating of Blacks and as well as our right to assemble
Today we just Bradley Manning who blew the whistle on gross government wrong doings was sentenced to 35 years in prison…
Meanwhile a half way a round the world, a brutal tyrant who the US supported for over 30 years Hosin Muburak was just ordered release from jail..