Today is May Day and many will be taking to the streets to express a variety of concerns. First and foremost around the world is worker’s rights…This is important.. All one has to do is look at the recent fires and building collapse in Bangladesh where over a 1000 people have died to understand that corporate tyranny is the order of the day. One must remember all those workers who died were making goods for pennies a day under harsh slave-like conditions for Western companies including Walmart and H&M to name a few, who all refused to improve working conditions in spite being warned that disaster was right around the corner..
Smashing down on wages, keeping people in a state of economic fear and demanding folks skip vacations, forgo overtime, work longer hours while they rake in obscene profits that are not shared with workers or the surrounding community is a trend all must oppose.
On top of that many of the Draconian Laws via lobbying organizations like ALEC that allow for our privacy to be compromised, that threaten our safety while leaving corporations immune to lawsuits and overall accountability is another trend that must be opposed at all costs…We should not forget the damage done by corporate interests around Citizens United where these 1% corporate outlets can pour unlimited amounts of money into elections..We should not forget that a number of our corporate media outlets and banks have invested in private prisons…
There will be some who are reading this who are so thirsty to be put on by some employer that they will go along with the program and like a backwards thinking slave, will actually be a stronger, more strident voice for the corporate interests than the corporate owner himself…That’s a short-sighted position and one should really rethink why they are riding so hard for outfits that do so much global harm…
Finally today on May Day there will be many who are seeking better conditions for those who are immigrants and undocumented. Some will say ask does this have to do with labor issues? It has everything to do with them.. To the degree that corporations are able to exploit people for cheaper labor affects us all both in wages and overall conditions.. One best be happy that we see folks out in the streets by the thousands in both here at home in immigrant communities as well as in so-called Third World countries demanding better treatment, living wages and the same rights to be global citizens as the corporations..
One must remember the reason why so many folks leave their homes looking for a better way of life in other places is not because of so-called freedoms per say.. It’s because corporate interests have raided their lands and wrecked havoc on the economy, resources and respective political situation…May Day is about putting an end to exploitation and I hope many of y’all who are reading this take this to heart and do better by your fellow workers.. Don’t buy into the BS that many corporate outlets that they are somehow suffering…Their success is based upon our collective labor efforts.. and thus everyone is deserving of a piece of the pie sans the exploitative aspects
-Davey D-