Hollywood’s Year of the Bible and the Return of White Jesus

White JesusSo according to NBC’s Today Show, they are dubbing 2014 the Year of the Bible. This is where Hollywood puts in motion its propaganda machine and does re-enactments of popular Bible stories to bring to the big screen.At a date and time when text books are being re-written, ethnic studies is being short changed or outright eliminated and in the case of Arizona, made illegal, what we have is a key nail in the coffin to uphold white supremacy..

Look for these Biblical stories to inaccurately depict its key characters… Its the return of ‘white Jesus’ complete with piercing blue eyes and flowing locks along with lots of white people and a maybe a couple of Black extras running around countries within Africa..

Look for the heavy promotion and young kids having it permanently etched in their easily influenced minds that ain’t no way anyone with a darker hue was up and about doing anything ‘Holy’… It doesn’t hep that we have our Arab brothers and sister running around Timbuktu destroying ancient manuscripts burning down libraries all in the name of religion..and our dear brother Kanye West doing tours with white Jesus

Of course at the end of the day, there will be many who will say… ‘Jesus’ race doesn’t matter’, but apparently it does to Hollywood and the promotion machine behind it. The solution to this is to encourage folks who are on the come up in the acting world, to pen their own stories and and craft their own films.. Ideally it would be great to get actors Idriss Elba or Don Cheadle to play Jesus. Or maybe get Sam Jackson or Danny Glover to play Noah.  At least there it’ll be more accurate…

Below is a trailer for Son of God


Below is a trailer for the movie Noah starring Russell Crowe
