Major Drama in the State of Texas over Reproductive Rights -Stop SB5!

Hundreds flood state capital in Austin to Protest Sb5 which will cripple Reproductive Rights

Hundreds flood state capital in Austin to Protest SB5 which will cripple Reproductive Rights

A lot of drama is jumping off in Texas around the issue of abortion..Late last week we saw hundreds of people come from as far away as 500 miles to Austin to protest new Draconian bills that would severely cripple Reproductive Rights in the Lone Star State.. A number of bills have been bundled under  a bill Sb5..Here’s a break down of this via Think Progress.

SB 5 combines several attacks on women’s reproductive into one omnibus measure. It would impose unnecessary burdens on abortion providers, force most of the abortion clinics in the state to close their doors, and criminalize abortions after 20 weeks (although one Senate version of the legislation removed the 20-week ban). Anti-choice lawmakers hope that the special session will give them the opportunity to push through SB 5, since its separate provisions failed to advance during the regular legislative session this year.

But Texas voters don’t actually want any more restrictions on abortion in their state. After conducting a survey among a representative sample of state residents between June 17 and 19, the polling firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner (GQR) found that 63 percent of registered voters think the Lone Star State already has enough anti-abortion laws on the books. Seventy one percent think the legislature should be more focused on the economy and jobs instead of social policies to police women’s reproductive rights.

You can read the full story HERE..

We caught up with long time activist Carmen D Llanes to get the full rundown of whats going on. Carmen who also sits on the local board of Planned Parenthood gave us the full 4-11 on the current fights. She noted that the state has defunded clinics which are the life blood for many who live in small towns and that the end result has been people having to drive more than 500 miles to get medical attention. She also spoke about the cut backs on women being able to get birth control.

She also explained the political landscape of Texas. She noted that most of the people living there are not far-right Red wingers.. but because of the way heavily populated centers with people of color and left leaning folks  have been redrawn, its very difficult for a political sea change to happen. She noted how in some districts the lines are drawn so that they stretch in small slivers for more than 400 miles just to ensure a right leaning outcome in elections ..There are major fights about this in court and many Texans are not lying down allowing this to go unchallenged. In fact in many places you are seeing changes.  I wont take up too much of your time.. You can peep the Hard Knock radio interview below w/ Carmen D Llanes

Hard Knock Radio logo

Piers Morgan vs Alex Jones… The Gun Control Debate

An interesting exchange between  CNN’s Piers Morgan and Alex Jones about gun control..Thoughts on this?

Jones was part of the crew of folks who created a petition to have Piers deported… As you watch this keep in mind, this is the same Jones that in Texas many Brown folks see him as a staunch anti-immigrant Nativist who promotes the offensive “Reconquista” conspiracy theory which has in many ways been fuel for far-right wing forces anti-immigrant militia forces.. In short Fear of Brown Planet…He expresses those sentiments HERE

Because he speaks on police brutality and will speak against certain types of government oppression, many have gotten sucked in believing he ain’t all that bad..Think again.. Here’s a few pieces  1)



Piers Morgan  & Alex Jones

Santa Claus is Arrested in Texas.. Police Upset w/ St Nick for Having Kids Chalk their List

Santa claus ArrestedInstead of tracking down criminals or better yet standing post at a school to make sure our kids our safe as suggested by the NRA, here’s what taxpayer dollars are going toward..In so-called liberal Austin, Texas..(it’s never ever been liberal too me except during SXSW), police arrested Santa Claus for having kids write in chalk their X-Mas list…

Below are two videos.. The first shows kids talking about what they want for X-mas.. The second shows St Nick being arrested for chalking on a public sidewalk..Last I checked, a little bit of water clears up chalk.. but hey what do I know..This should leave no doubt in people’s minds that the police work for the 1%..

Should Black and Brown Folks Jump on Board the Secession Movement?

Everyone is talking about all the signatures being collected from citizens in 40 states demanding that some sort of secession take place.. The latest update notes that folks from 7 states have signed a petition numbering 25k or more on the We the People page on the White House website which will thus garner an official response.. You can read about that HERE

For many all the secession talk is new, but the concept has been around for a minute especially in Texas where they have a well-heeled movement around this concept.. Today folks are shocked that more than a 100 thousand people from the Lone Star state have signed a petition. Folks in Texas are not. A few years back Governor Rick Perry famously threatened to have the state secede. It’s something he now says he doesn’t support..Below is an article I penned when I lived in Texas and Perry made those remarks..Its some food for thought I think is still relevant…
-Davey D-

Texas Secession: Should Black and Brown Folks Jump On Board?

I always find this concept of Texas secession interesting. I especially find it interesting when I see and hear the way it’s being framed. Words like ‘Freedom’Independence’ and ‘Oppression’ are used suggesting that it’s a noble endeavor and not something sinister. Some find the conversation compelling when it focuses on our main two parties Republicans and Democrats being a thorn in our collective sides that needs to be done away with. There’s lots of tough talk from secessionist about dissatisfaction with the Federal government which is very relatable when one looks at high unemployment rates, Wall Street Bankers getting bailed out, mismanaged wars and no Universal healthcare. All of this makes a secession argument intriguing.

Today secessionists claim that their motivation is not racism. They emphatically claim an increasingly Browner and Blacker Texas is not their main reason to secede. They want freedom from Oppression. Ok I’ll buy that – we all want that type of relief. Now my question is will a Republic of Texas change the flawed political dynamics of the other 49 states and strive to be a true Democracy? Will a Republic of Texas have a government that is a true representation that is reflective of the population?

For example, will there be proportional representation ensuring all Texans to have voice and a seat at the table or will it be winner take all? In short will the Republic of Texas be for the people by the people? After all, the reason to secede centers around a Federal government that is unresponsive. The Republic of Texas should ideally change this, right? We will no longer have to worry about a federal government that spends our money in all the wrong places. We will no longer have to worry about a federal government that doesn’t listen to the peoples true wants and needs. I can completely understand the frustrations one has with the Feds. I can assure you, those sentiments are not exclusive to the ‘good ole boys’ behind the ‘Texas Nationalist Movement’. Lots of folks feel that way. Lots of Black folks, lots of Brown folks.

I recall during the height of the Black Power movements, in the 60s and 70s groups like the Nation of Islam (then known as the Black Muslims) along with others called for a nation within a nation. It was a type of secession of sorts. Leaders felt like the Democrats and Republicans were morally corrupt. They felt the Federal government was a sham and ideally things would get better if the nation’s Black population could take over the states they tilled the land for as slaves and call it a day. Freedom from oppression was the guiding force. Black folks were looking to get their 40 Acres and mule as promised by the Feds. Perhaps this will happen under the Republic of Texas. Broken promises shall be honored right?

As we now know all that nation within a nation talk was met with swift and ultimately destructive response from our federal government. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, under the leadership of Texan Lyndon Baines Johnson, did ‘name checks’ on opponents and ran a vicious Cointel-pro campaigns to dismantle the Black Panthers, derail the Civil Rights Movement led by Martin Luther King and make any talk of a nation within a nation sound utterly ridiculous.

There are many Chicano’s here in Texas who can recall the heights of the Chicano Movement where issues like Land Grant Movements which originated in New Mexico spread resulting in folks seeking ways to get back ancestral lands that were stolen.

I believe there’s quite a bit of ‘property’ in Texas that folks may be looking to get back. Will that at least be discussed in the Republic of Texas? After all Chicanos and many indigenous folks have major beef with the Federal government who they feel behaved in an extremely undemocratic fashion. They can tell you story after story of broken promises, broken treaties, and unscrupulous land grabs. One should be able to safely assume that within a strong independent Texas such atrocities will not take place. After all the goal of having honesty within our government is one of the reasons to secede.

The Republic of Texas… Is this an opportunity for ALL the people in Texas (Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, Young, old ) to have the wrongs of the past corrected? Is the Republic of Texas intending to be a true Democracy, where the will of the people is listened to or is all this talk of a Free and Independent Texas just a sham conducted by some disgruntled people with its core goal to grab land and resources?

Considering that Texas is pretty much a minority majority state where its largest demographic are of Mexican descent, will, the ROT honor a request from that majority if they want to secede from the US and rejoin Mexico? Will the folks calling for secession be comfortable with Black Brown leadership since that’s the majority population? Maybe the secession thing ain’t such bad idea after all..

Something to Ponder

-Davey D-

An exclusive interview with Daniel Miller, President of The Texas Nationalist Movement

Source: Cypress Times Article

TexasSecession-225Over the past few weeks The Cypress Times has carried several opinion pieces in our Op/Ed Section from supporters of the Texas Nationalist Movement. The Texas Nationalist Movement supports Texas secession, and the establishment of a free and independent Texas.

These op/ed pieces have garnered an amazing amount of attention and have resulted in some very, let’s call it lively, commentary. One of the themes repeated often in the negative commentary is that the Texas Nationalist Movement is motivated by racism and a hate specifically for Barack Obama. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the TNM is not an Obama thing. It’s not a Democrat thing. It’s not a GOP thing. It’s a freedom thing.

The TNM was formed way before anyone outside of Chicago, and a few domestic terrorists, had ever heard the name, Barack Obama. Most people in the U.S. back then thought ACORN was just a nut long cherished by squirrels and that Socialism was something that happened in ridiculous places like France.

The truth is that George W. Bush was the Governor of Texas when TNM launched its initiative to say “Adios” to the United States of America. So, it’s really not an Obama thing, okay.
“We’re non-partisan with people from all walks of life,” Texas Nationalist Movement, President Daniel Miller told me in a recent interview. Truth be told, the TNM hasn’t much use for those now running the DNC, nor the GOP.

“Our organization rejects these dividing lines which are artificial. Both major parties fundamentally engage in the same activity,” Miller says. He also adds, “We (TNM) railed against Bush and the Patriot Act, too.”

So, if the Texas Nationalist Movement isn’t about party politics, what is it about? Party politics after all are what makes our Government go round. It’s about the two party system, right? Wrong.


“It’s about people who agree with individual freedom and liberty not putting trust in government,’ Miller says. “How long can people be disenfranchised from government before they say let’s do our own thing. You saw it in the American Revolution and in Texas history.”

Miller goes on to describe the U.S. Government as “overbearing, oppressive, unwielding and unresponsive.”

I think that pretty well covers it.


I have to admit as a fifth generation Texan the notion of Texas pulling up stakes and saying, “See Ya” to the U.S. has always fascinated me. I’ve always thought of Texas secession as a romantic expression of the individualism and ruggedness of the people of Texas. I see us Texans tipping our collective Stetsons and riding off into the sunset of independence never again to be bothered by those foreigners on the other side of the river. You know, the Red River. However, I never really considered it. Should we really consider it now?

How’s that hope and change working out for you? That phrase is getting a lot of action these days. For that matter how was it working out for you before the change, when George Bush pushed for the first stimulus package and ignored the security of our borders? Have you really seen a change, or is it more of the same?

When the Dems are in office the GOP is complaining, when the GOP is in office the Dems are complaining. Are they really all alike? I make no judgment call here, I’m just asking.
The questions really become:

Are we (the people) okay with how things are? Can we change those things given the current system? If the answer is no, what next?

“People eventually say I don’t want to be a part of this anymore,” says Miller. “Secession, independence or autonomy come into play. It has played out across the globe for thousands of years.”
What would a Republic of Texas look like? Is that bunch in Austin any more trustworthy than the bunch in DC? The thing to look at, according to Miller, is the Texas Constitution. Specifically,

Article 1, Section 2 which reads as follows:


All political power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their benefit. The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient.”

The Texas Constitution leaves little wiggle room on this matter. It is less open for broad interpretation than the U.S. Constitution. Isn’t that where we began to get in trouble in the first place? All of that broad interpretation.


Can Texas secede, and become a free Republic once more? Miller says “Yes” and perhaps sooner than anyone thinks. Miller believes that the secession movement has the support of between 2.2 million and 6 million Texans. That’s a broad range and Miller understands that. The range is due to how the numbers were extrapolated from several sources and polls. Either way it’s a big number. It is a number that makes the TNM a formidable force in Texas politics.

Miller believes the issue of Secession will be addressed in “a rapid fashion” during the next legislative session (2011) or perhaps sooner, once the Governor’s race has ended.
Miller also says, in the context of the current political climate in America, “I think by the time we get to a vote, Texas independence wins by a landslide.”


Miller explains that the U.S. Government has moved America in the wrong direction for over 20 years.
“Incrementalism is where it’s all going. They’ve incrementally moved us so far that now they’re emboldened to take bigger steps because they have less distance to go.” Miller adds, “For 20 years we’ve been asleep and now the noose is around the neck.”

Miller realizes that secession is not the first thought your average citizen has in terms of fighting back. He sees what is happening with Townhall Meetings, and TEA Party gatherings, but still believes Secession is the right move for Texas and Texans.

“People will exhaust all the usual opposition first. But they’ve (the Federal Govt.) taken the position that they know what’s best for us,” says Miller. Then he reminds me of the Texas Constitution, Article 1, Section 2. It’s about the people!


Secession is not spelled out in the U.S. Constitution, it is an inferred right, according to Miller who also says that the Declaration of Independence makes it plain as to how it all works.
When the colonies declared independence, each “state” seceded from England to form a new union. It would occur much the same now. If the issue is put in front of the people of Texas and they vote to secede, then Texas will declare independence from the U.S. The Governor and the Legislature will hold a convention to call for articles of secession and to negotiate a settlement with the U.S.

If the U.S. Government were to ignore those articles of secession, then Texas could declare unilateral independence.

I asked Mr. Miller what a new Texas would look like geographically. Since it is well known that Texas gave up a good deal of real estate when it joined the U.S., his answer surprised me. Daniel Miller says the better question might be, what would the United States look like?

“Without Texas, the U.S. ought to think about its viability,” says Miller.

Mr. Miller believes strongly that when Texas secedes, others will follow. There are other secession movements underway in the U.S. today in states like Vermont and Wisconsin as an example.


The Secession “nay-sayers” are quick to point out that Texas would lose a ton of Federal money if it were no longer a part of the United States.
Mr. Miller says, “For years now every dollar we (Texas) send to DC is declining in terms of what we get back. In the past 30 years Texas has never gotten back what it sends to the Federal government.”

I shared with Mr. Miller that some of the nastier (and therefore not published) commentary we’ve received at The Cypress Times regarding Secession calls the members of the TNM racists, again asserting that it’s an Obama thing. Can a nation of racists flourish?

“We take exception to that,” Miller says. “Our members are Hispanic, Asian, Black. All power is inherent in the people. Tyranny doesn’t discriminate and freedom shouldn’t either.”


Miller says that the Texas Nationalist Movement needs, “All Texans who believe in independent rights and principles to stand with us in order to see Texas independent and to reserve those freedoms.”

The Texas Nationalist Movement needs to grow. In order to grow they need people. “It takes money to reach people,” says Miller.

“We are engaged at a very personal grass roots level.” The plan is to organize and mobilize.

The Texas Nationalist Movement is hard at work holding meetings in various regions and is planning a 3-Day Conference in March.

The Texas Independence Conference will be the first of its kind. The TNM will have special speakers and guests from Texas and from the outside.

To learn more about The Texas Nationalist Movement, or to join their cause visit their website at

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Remember President Obama isn’t the Only American Having to Show His Papers to Racist

A few thoughts on this madness surrounding Donald Trump, Barack Obama and the Birther nation..

First we should keep in mind this ‘papers please’ mentality is being levied on several other communities. Many of us got upset about seeing a Black president have to prove his citizenship to a white racist.. Hopefully we’re just as upset knowing that many of our Brown and indigenous brothers and sisters have to do that everyday in places like Arizona where they passed the infamous SB 1070 law. Proposals to pass similar laws await in places like Georgia and Texas..

The fact that we have white citizens, many of them the offspring of immigrants running around demanding proof of authenticity from folks who’s lands they colonized and stolen is beyond insulting. Sad part is many of those being stopped and accused of being ‘illegal’ are actual ‘legal’. Try explaining that to your Trump-like racist and its hard for them to comprehend.  To hear them speak the country is under seize with dangerous Mexicans  and hence everyone and anyone must be stopped and frisked.

Texas lawmaker Debbie Riddle

Some like Texas nutcase Debbie Riddle have taken this hysteria to insane levels by claiming that our country should be afraid of so called Anchor and Terror Babies and thus laws should be passed to deny American citizenship to someone born here..

Be sure to connect the dots to the indignation we’re feeling with watching this President hand over his papers.

We should not forget the insult levied on Asian Americans when Texas lawmaker Betty Brown suggested that they change their names to ‘American sounding’ names so they wouldn’t confuse people at the voting booths. Brown was responding to the concerns voiced by members of the Asian community who were discovering that the names and spellings on their IDs weren’t always matching on voting rolls and as a result many Asians were being denied an opportunity to vote.

Just another example of ‘Papers Please.’.

Peter King

We should not forget the demand for papers and proof of Americanism being levied on Muslim Americans… We saw some of this ugliness rear its head during the Ground Zero debates this past September. But the real insidiousness occurred when NY Congressman Peter King held hearings on Islam public claiming that Muslim Americans were more loyal to their religion than the country. Of course King conveniently overlooked that any devout person of any religion in theory would be loyal to God then to man. What religion doesn’t demand that?

he also conveniently overlooked that all religions have extremist including good ole Christianity where in recent years have led to the arrest of Christian militia members bent on committing heinous acts.. Nevertheless King and his supporters put Islam on trial and like Donald Trump demanded papers from entire populations of American citizens.

All this was supported by the numerous states from Oklahoma to North Carolina that decided to lambast Islam by passing or proposing to pass laws banning Sharia Law as if the extreme practice of that was somehow a problem..Its amazing that all these Papers Please type laws have gotten on the books at a time when we have record unemployment and all sorts of economic upheavels. One would think law makers would be hard at work tackling these other issues.

Donald 'Klansman' Trump

With respect to Klansman Donald Trump..What more can be said about the overt racism he displayed?  Our reaction to such nonsense should be firm, impactful and without delay. We can start by boycotting his show ‘Celebrity Apprentice‘ and more importantly his sponsors which include; Enterprise Rental Car, Clorox, Sprint, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Walt Disney, and Groupon.

We must also remind ourselves  that given his racial attitude that things shown on that show like the upcoming fight between Black participants Star Jones and Nene Leaks from Real Housewives of Atlanta are akin to slave owners pitting their prized property to fight one another.. Star and Nene bring Klansman Trump high ratings and while we understand that most of what has been shown on the show has been pre-taped, their antics should not be supported in the least.  I’d be embarrassed to be associated with a show such as Celebrity Apprentice after seeing the display Trump put on this week.

I think this commentary by Baratunde Thurston of the Onion explains it best..

Lastly we should not lose sight at some of the larger issues at play, primarily President Obama’s policies.. While smashing back at the racism of white folks demanding proof of citizenship, we should also remind our president that some of his policies including support and signing of the Patriot Act, him approving warrant less wiretaps and having increased surveillance  of American citizens helps foster the Papers Please environment that we’re experiencing.

Sometghing to think about

-Davey D-

Thoughts on the Removal of the N Word from Huckleberry Finn Books

I  attended schools in the Bronx where I grew up that had very few Blacks and whole lot of prejudice white kids who used our required reading of Mark Twain as an excuse to utter those hurtful words. On more than a few occasions I had fights.  But in retrospect those fights would’ve occurred anyway. On those days Huckleberry Finn was the justification..

‘Mark Twain says nigger so why can’t I’, was the asinine line of reasoning.

If we hadn’t read the book it would’ve been and was other incidents that sparked racially charged fights. As I’m writing I’m recalling how the TV series Roots sparked a bunch of fist fights and we were required to watch and discuss that in class.

Personally I think it needs to be conveyed that the use of the word Nigger and injun are bad.. and it should be done so in the very pages students are asked to read.

Replacing the word Nigger with the word Slave is not the best way to go about doing this… I would keep the word and not spell it out.. i.e. Nigger would become N%$#er. That’s done all the time in newspapers and other popular materials that print offensive words..

On a side note what’s gonna happen with the Huckleberry Finn books in Texas? for people who don’t know, the state of Texas is switching up their text books and one of the major changes is they are removing the word ‘slavery’ and replacing it with ‘Atlantic Triangular Trade‘. So will we see that long word used in the Texas books? I’m just saying..

Davey D-

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More Racial Drama in Texas-Hispanics Keep Out



One week after a dust up between Neo Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen and Black Panthers in Paris, Texas, we have another racial incident in a state that is on the verge of changing while some of its old guard and ignorant desperately try to hold on. This one is small compared to the dust up in Paris, but represents an attitude that sadly gets spouted or implied on TV news shows hosted by the likes of Lou Dobbs and Glen Beck. In Azel, Texas not too far out of Dallas, we have a couple who have posted a sign that says ‘Hispanics Keep Out’

When confronted by concerned neighbors the 72 year old woman of the house who declined to give her name stated that she was within her ‘American’ rights to put whatever sign she wants to on her property.   For those who are outside of the Lone Star state bear in mind that Texas is very strong when it comes to property rights. You can get shot and the owner not be in trouble if you decide to come tresspassing on people’s property.

The woman’s stupidity and pure ignorance is borne out by the fact that she says she doesn’t want anyone who is here in this country illegally coming to her house.  However, she doesn’t specifically state ‘illegal’ or ‘undocumented’ Hispanics keep out.  Of course one might point out to this Azel woman,  indigenous folks aren’t the ones here illegally- if anything its the woman in question but that’s for another column on another date.

As was stated earlier Texas, is going through some serious growing pains. As the sate becomes Blacker and Browner in many sectors there are those who simply will not go with the flow and adapt. Most of the people in Azel Texas are not in agreement with the sign and have publicly stated so.. but there is an ilk of people some who hold power and set policy and some who have been granted a platform in national and even local media who espouse such views. They need to die off  and then we can start to really build a multi-cultural nation free of their ignorance and racial bias. 

This incident comes in the middle of a firestorm where conversations about race are now center stage in public conversations. Much of it stems from the Paris, Texas dust up and the incident in Cambridge, Mass involving Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates being arrested for breaking into his own home and his friend  President Obama commenting by calling the place stupid.  Gates who accused the police of racially profiling him sparked off a big debate on the issue. Now with this ‘Hispanics Keep Out Sign in texas, this no doubt will keep us talking.

-Davey D-

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This sign represents a sentiment that far too many feel comfortable expressing in public discourse

This sign represents a sentiment that far too many feel comfortable expressing in public discourse

KKK & Neo Nazi’s Square Off Against Black Panthers in Paris, Texas



Here’s pt2 of our interview with Brother Jesse

Madness went down in Paris, Texas today as members of the New Black Panther Party and White Supremacists squared off. The trouble took place when skin heads descended upon a rally held by members of the Black community to protest the jasper style-dragging death  of Brandon McClelland last september by two white men. In what appeared to initially be a slam dunk case, the special prosecutor Toby Shook said no charges would be pursued due to lack of evidence..

Brother Jesse Muhammad of the Final Call Newspaper was one of the first to break this story. He was present at the rally today and gave us a in depth break down of what took place.  You can peep out brother jesse’s blog here.

In the meantime take a look at the footage from AP and you can get a glimpse of what took place.. As you watch this ask your self- how and why is this happening in the Age of Obama and why isn’t Race being discussed seriously as advocated by Attorney General Eric Holder

-Davey D-

Brother Jesse of the Final call was on the scene and took this crazy picture. Reuters and AP were also on hand.

Brother Jesse of the Final call was on the scene and took this crazy picture. Reuters and AP were also on hand.

Neo Nazis and KKK Members tried to disrupt a rally in Paris, Tx held by the New Black Panther Party

Neo Nazis and KKK Members tried to disrupt a rally in Paris, Tx held by the New Black Panther PartyPolice stand in between Neo Nazis and New Black Panther members










Police stand in between Neo Nazis and New Black Panther members

Police stand in between Neo Nazis and New Black Panther members

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