Here’s some people who need to be on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist List as Opposed to Assata Shakur…

Raymond Kelly NYPD
1-Raymond Kelly…NY Police Commissioner . His Stop and Frisk program has been sheer terror for the over one million people detained..Over 90% are Black and Brown… Less than 10% have been found in violation of any crime..NY just recently did its 5 millionth Stop and Frisk. It was also just recently revealed that Kelly says African-Americans have not been stopped enough
2-Mike Duke…CEO of Wal-Mart.. More than 800 believed dead in the recent factory collapse in Bangladesh.. Another 200 in the horrific fire in that same company.. Such atrocities happened because CEOs like Duke wanted to spend pennies a day vs doing recommended improvements… We won’t even talk about the terror Wal-Mart has meant for small businesses they displaced with their big box stores.
3-Christine Largarde, Dominique Strauss-Khan and the Board of Governors for the IMF Bank.. Global Austerity, Economic Hardship, Third World Countries Upended.. Those who run the IMF are true terrorist of the highest order..
4- Hugh Grant... CEO of Monsanto… Can you say GMOs? Can you say patented seeds? Can you say Monsanto Protection Act which shields these guys from liability? Can you say contaminated farms thanks to their patented seeds going airborne? You pay them if your contaminated field yields a Monsanto plant..
5-Anders Fogh Rasmussen… Secretary General of NATO.. If you aren’t going along with this global plan to corporatize the world.. expect NATO to be the attack dog and moth piece for imperialistic powers..These guys run around calling other people terrorists when in fact they’ve proven to be what they accuse others of being.. As for Rasmussen, this is a guy who holds a philosophy that says the ‘Welfare State is Evil’ and needs to be done away with..
6-President Barack Obama… No I’m not picking on the man who heads of the current expansions of Africom.. I’m not picking on the man who has said and has now done pre-emptive strikes and gone into other countries looking for ‘terrorists’.. No I’m not picking on the man who holds weekly meetings (Terror Tuesdays) where he decides who around the world gets to live or die via his drone policy. No I’m not picking on a man who has enacted new laws and has aggressively gone after government whistle-blowers..I’m not picking on a guy who signed into law NDAA which says the entire world is a battlefield and thus subject to whatever steps are necessary to shut shyt down and take you out.. Lupe was right
7-Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel we give this guy billions of our hard-earned tax dollars every year and what does he do with it? He reigns terror over his Palestinian neighbors and has maintained a system that makes Apartheid look like a walk in the park
8- Rupert Murdoch.. Media Mogul… Fox News need I say More??

Koch Brothers
9-David H. Koch and Charles G. Koch (The Koch Brothers) Can you say ALEC? Can you say dismantle public sector unions? Can you say Corporate Tyranny? Can you say soon to be media moguls after they finish buying up newspapers like the LA Times..They are the worst of the worst..
10-Penny Pritzke-Hotel Mogul and Subprime Lending Queen.. She will soon head up the Commerce Department.. You never heard of her? Many haven’t, but she’s Obama’s financier. She’s also the one who help usher in the subprime scheme that lifted over 90 billion dollars from the Black community alone..And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.. Obama speaks for her, not the other way around..
Dishonoroable Mentions
Joe Arpio...Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona-Hater of Immigrants
Russ Girling-CEO of TransCanada -owner of Keystone XL Pipeline
Damon T. Hininger– CEO of CCA Corrections Corporation of America.. Largest Private Prison Outfit
Lloyd C Blankfein CEO of Goldman Sachs Epitomizes Wall Street’s insidious Banking Culture Oligarchy 2.0