There’s a lot to reflect and say about last night’s election. The re-election of President Barack Obama brought enthusiastic cheers from all corners of the country. But one should be cautious and not misread those cheers. They weren’t the cheers of 2008 where there was literally dancing in the streets as history was made and folks were left hopeful.
Last night what we heard were cheers of relief. It was relief that came from millions of people having to endure he humiliation of chaos at the polls , where many wound up standing for up 6 or 7 hours or were aggressively questioned by Tea Party backed True the Vote poll watchers who suspected their eligibility, and a range other widespread voter suppression efforts.
Last night the cheers were being relieved of having to deal with Neandrathrolic behavior from sitting lawmakers who felt that there was ‘legitimate rape‘ and that women should not only not be allowed to have abortions, but shouldn’t have access to birth control
Last night we heard cheers of relief, because folks were fearful of having what little safety nets were left to be immediate dismantled or repealed on the day those seeking power took office…
Like it or not, Obama won last night’s election because of widespread politics of fear..not hope. Many who voted for him, did so with lots of dissatisfaction and disappointment on an array of policies the President championed or did not champion, but what they perceived was coming down the pipe was so frightening folks quickly got in line and pulled the lever for the President..
It was clear with Mitt Romney that there was a 47% of the population that needed to be ousted. He and many of his supporters felt like many of us were ‘leeches’ and no longer needed to be seen as fellow human beings… The mean-spirited racially charged policies being proposed and brought before the floor in Congress, sent a strong message to many, that there was a helluva a lot of white folks who were not playing around and were going all out to roll back anything and everything that had progressed in the past 50 years. That frightened people and Obama was a beneficiary.
Last night Mitt Romney had a voting base that consisted of 89% white people. That xenophobic angry base and how they see the world is best personified with the remarks of Bill O’Reilly and his Fox News cohorts. Its personified with the nasty tweets sent out by singer Ted Nugent where he refered to Obama supporters as whores and welfare cheats. Its personified by the angry tweets from Donald Trump who said the election was sham and a travesty and America must fight to stop what had just happened.. (an Obama win)
Only time will tell if what we experienced was some grand exercise of Good Cop Bad Cop with the end game of getting everyone to reinvest into a system that has constantly failed people. But for now many are happy that they pushed back on something they felt would be irreversibly catastrophic. By voting and re-electing Barack Obama many who are part of a growing demographic of folks who feel they’re constantly marginalized felt like they were standing up and pushing back on the type of attitude expressed in the O’reilly video..
Unfortunately, it’ll take more than just voting. More push back is needed. It ranges from deading citizens united which allowed unlimited money to come into politics to having comprehensive election reform that restricts deceptive practices and voter suppression tactics. Close to 5 Billion dollars was spent for this past election..
It’s gonna require push back to stop the relentless attempts by corporate giants to own and privatize everything from our drinking water to FEMA which is what Mitt Romney proposed. It’s gonna require us to push back and demand economic and social justice..
All the forces that worried folks are still here, most likely plotting and scheming on how to better advance their cause. Bain Capitol and uncaring companies like it are still around and doing business as usual. In fact that might be vengeful and economically spurn their workers because of the win.
The forces behind banning ethnic studies books in Arizona have not left. Those who wish to public education and privatize public universities are back at work gearing up for the next round of tuition hikes. Police are still gunning down Black people every 36 hours..The people who obstructed Obama and demonstrated racial hostility are still in Congress and the Senate.
The policies that Obama embraced or didn’t embrace are still in front of us..How will we get him to match the words he uttered in his speech last night that left many feeling re-charged? How will we become partners in reshaping America so that beneficial for all vs being disposable tools who are only tapped when its election time? In short there’s lots more work to do and hopefully all of us are up to the challenge.
written by Davey D
Tea Party Candidate Says: ‘Minorities Prefer Drug Dealing’…Woman Stomped by Tea Party Supporters in Ky
Tea Party candidate Al Reynolds says minorities prefer drug dealing over college
With 6 days away from the election more and more racism and outrageous behavior is being blatantly displayed. Let’s start with this doozie. Here we have Tea Party candidate Al Reynolds who is running in the 52nd district in Illinois who during a candidate’s forum said minority men preferred drug dealing vs going to college.
We’re not sure if he saw a BET comedy show or if watched one too many rap videos. Perhaps he overheard the rhetoric of one of those self hating token Black and Brown folks who are a part of the Tea Party. In any case, it’s an erroneous statement and quite offensive. It’s also indicative of the Tea Party and their supporters.
The big irony here is the other day after I put out my article about the parallel’s between the rise of the Tea Party and the rise of the Klan at the turn of the century when the movie ‘Birth of a Nation‘ was released, these Tea Party folks went and found a some Black guy to write a blog calling me a bonehead for speaking on their racism. My guess is he’ll defend these remarks. Thats how such folks usually do..
The other incident that has everyone talking involves Tim Profit a volunteer co-ordinator Kentucky Senator Tea Party candidate Rand Paul and a 23-year-old woman named Lauren Valle who is a member of A video shows Valle being stomped by a group of men who support Rand. Included in that footage is Profit actually stomping on her head.
Valle explained that she was in Kentucky to bring attention to Paul being a puppet of corporate interests and she has been using street theater as a way to get her message across. The night of the debate, when Valle got beat up, she was wearing a sign and wanted to satirically give Paul and ’employee of the month award’.
Valle describes what was shown in the footage;
So what we have at the end of the day is Tea Party members stating unabashedly that Black men prefer drug dealing over education and a young 23 year old woman who wearing a sign getting stomped by a group of men. This is the same Tea Party folks who were running around just a year ago disrupting Healthcare Debate Townhalls. Have people forgotten that? Sadly the Tea Party is reminding the world that violence is a way of life for them. In the words of former SNCC member H. Rap Brown ‘Violence is as American as Apple pie’. If you think that assertion is far-fetched we remind you of this infamous confrontation involving the Tea Party misfits confronting a man with Parkinson’s disease.
written by Davey D
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