Ann Wright being removed from the Convention after disrupting Paul Ryan‘speech
Last night during GOP Vice presidential Paul Ryan‘s speech where he told blatant lie after lie, a former army colonel and US diplomat who served under George Bush named Ann Wright along w/ a woman named Laura Mills, of Code Pink unfolded a banner that read ‘Fund Healthcare Not Warfare-My Body My Health’..They were quickly surrounded by security and rushed off the floor as the crowd chanted USA! USA! USA!
The two women came in and sat among the delegates and then positioned themselves so they would be near the press risers where all of your mainstream outlets were filming, thus they would be seen quite clearly as they unfolded their banners.. Sadly most of the outlets turned their camera’s away and did not show the disruption, on live TV.. Not too many commented on the banner unfolding even though the women who were removed , but not arrested held a press conference that was well attended after the speech where they fielded questions.. We had them on our Pacifica national broadcast shortly after Paul Ryan spoke……

Paul Ryan
As for Ryan’s speech, to say the least it was pretty bad and chock full of lies. The most blatant was him telling the crowd how Obama didn’t bail out auto plant in his Wisconsin district which he noted was forced to close.. The problem was that autoplant closed under George Bush..You can read about that HERE.
His other lies centered on manipulating money figures like saying Obama caused the credit to be downgraded when it was Ryan and his croonies who held the debt ceiling hostage. He then talked about how we did all this wasteful spending when he sat up in congress and voted to fund endless wars, Give Bush a blank check to fight terrorism, the whole nine.. If you want you can peep some of Ryan’s lies from last night HERE
Also just in case y’all forget, because good ole Paul Ryan didn’t mention it, Y’all do know that Ryan co-sponsored a bill with congressman Todd ‘legitimate rape’ Akins that would prevent women from getting abortions in the case of rape? .

Condi Rice
The person who was downright scary and we all need to pay attention to was Condoleezza Rice.. She came on and pretty much laid down the hawkish foreign policy stances that the RNC wishes to carry out…
Condi also had the nerve to conflate the Civil Rights struggle and the fight against Jim Crow with current privatization policies like school vouchers.. She sat up there and basically said if you can come from the south like me where you couldn’t sit at lunch counters to speak before the RNC, then you can see how great America is..In the words of Kanye West, ‘That woman is Cray’..
Condoleeza Rice pulled out her Alabama card said with a straight face the Civil Rights struggle of today is school vouchers..I’m sure Condi’s friends who were the 4 little girls horrifically killed at the 16t street Church bombing are turning in their graves.. The Civil Rights struggle went from ending segregation to school vouchers??
True to form, Condi also never mentioned the massive flooding, power outages and evacuations taking place as she spoke in New Orleans due to Hurricane Isaac.. Remember 7 years to the date during Katrina, Condi was out and about shopping for shoes on 5th avenue while people were drowning..
We also heard no mention of the devastation caused by Isaac from Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, Mike Huckabee and everyone else except the Governor Martinez from New Mexico who sent out a prayer.. The good Governor got a huge raucus applause when she immediately followed up her prayer request for New orleans when she talked about her 357 magnum..

A house underwater owned by a friend of the homie Silky Slim
Basically what we had last night was, as President Obama was declaring New Orleans a disaster zone, the RNC folks were literally dancing in the aisles to a funky jazz band.. They did at one pt show a Red Cross sign telling folks to donate for victims of Isaac..The RNC folks also got pissed when the Washington news director for Yahoo News called the RNC out for ‘partying while Black people were drowning in New Orleans’, Yahoo found themselves under pressure and homeboy was fired..You can here the actual remark HERE It was something he said under his breath that got caught on tape.PBS anchor Gwen Ifle is also under fire for defending the Yahoo news director statement..
To put this new Orleans situation into perspective.. check out the twitter time line of @Dee1music. he’s been looking for his parents who last he spoke we’re stuck in the house with 5 feet of water. He’s been on twitter all night asking for folks to see if they can get to the flooded house and make sure they been rescued..
Here’s some snippets of folks I interviewed around Hurricane relief including; Former mayor Rudy Giuliani, Congressman Joe Wilson ofSouth Carolina
Today sheriff Joe from Arizona comes to town.. He’s doing a big event at the local Zoo where he’s expected to tell the RNC how and why they need to apply more oppression to Brown folks..
Here’s what some GOP folks had to say about Republicans closing the women’s gap… This includes Rudy Giuliani, former RNC chair Michael Steele, Senator Orin Hatch, Congresswoman Joe Wilson
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