For those who don’t know, there’s been a significant rise of virulent far-right racism throughout Europe that has coincided with the push for austerity..What has emerged are vicious attacks on immigrants by roving Neo-Nazi, white supremacist gangs who have turned to blaming non-European for the financial collapse. Ground Zero for alot of this has been in Greece, where we’ve seen the extreme levels of austerities.
There’s been a rise of Neo-Nazi style group called Golden Dawn which has gone all out to rid of the country of Africans, immigrants, and non whites. They are now a huge political force which has been used by the elite to smash down on folks deemed undesirable..
Below is a video put out by Golden Dawn folks.. They make themselves out to be saviors of the people
Here’s the reality of Golden Dawn

Michael Chege
Recently a Black Panther group has sprung up in Greece to protect residents who are being mobbed on at night..Thats caused quite a stir..Founded by Michael Chege who is Kenyan born but has lived in Greece for over 28 years, he and his crew have started patrolling their neighborhoods at night when Golden Dawn members are most likely to strike..Complicating their efforts is the fact that Greek Police have been harrassing Panthers and immigrants in general demanding to see their papers.. like they did in Apartheid South Africa and currently do in Arizona under SB 1070.
In an interview done on told Britain’s Channel 4 this past week he stated: “I am a member of the Black Panthers and everybody knows that. So I am giving them (Golden Dawn) a straight warning – don’t mess with black people, anyhow. And I mean it.”
“I’m not afraid of this neo-Nazi, stupid, idiotic group…In world war two, they were crushed. In world war three, we will exterminate them out of the face of the earth.
“They want to do what Hitler did. Try it. They will have the same fate and even worse,” he continued. You can read and see the interview HERE.
Golden Dawn members claim they are not Neo-Nazi’s but Patriots that needed to flush the country of foreigners..At least that’s the feedback I got when I first reported this story from people claiming they were members. Whatever the case, this whole saga is familiar.. we’ve seen this play out the same way over the years from the US and the rise of the KKK and now the recent Tea Party to what went on in Nazi Germany..Instead of battling banks and the corporate elite who caused financial ruin, we see folks turning on those who have the least and are most vulnerable. Remember it was just a couple of years ago, many of us saw and cheered on Greeks who took to the streets in response to out of control austerity. Much of that anger and energy that was been redirected and compromised.My guess is that at the end of the day these are storm troopers funded by the big elite whose goal is to keep turmoil amongst the people and not at them.. Below is a mini documentary on the Golden Dawn and their recent rise to power