Remembering John F Kennedy and asking; Where Did He stand on Civil & Human Rights?

John_F._Kennedy,_White_House_color_photo_portraitToday November 22 2013 will mark the 50th anniversary of President John F Kennedy being assassinated as his motorcade drove through Dallas, Texas. Understandably many will be focused on the circumstances surrounding his death.. Some will say it was a coup and that forces within the military took over the country and for the most part still run things today. Others will say it was a hit from the mob (organized crime). Still others will claim it was political enemies who wanted Kennedy out the way at all costs. Others are still wondering about Jacqueline Kennedy’s pink dress and where has been put since that fateful day..All these scenarios and more will be discussed in earnest today..

Personally such discussions are fruitless if we do not take time to look at Kennedy’s policies. Where did he stand on important issues of the day and how has the work he put in and policies and supported continued? Was he a progressive? Was he middle of the road? Was he cautious? Was he a visionary? Many who are old enough say that Kennedy’s time in office was the Age of Camelot. What does that mean and with the passage of 50 years do folks still feel that way?

It was on Kennedy’s watch that many who were fighting for freedom and justice were under government surveillance via Cointel-Pro and his decision to enhance the Cold War. How do we feel about that 50 years later, knowing that many organizations destroyed, movements were crippled and many lives ruined via these policies?

For many of us the questions we should asking is where did Kennedy stand on the Civil Rights and Human Rights? Was he aggressive on ending racial hostilities which were abundant as the Civil Rights Movement was in full gear or did he have to be pressured to get involved and take a stand?  Remember Kennedy voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1957.  Many in the Democratic Party especially in the South were staunchly against Civil Rights and Kennedy had to appeal to them..  What were his policies toward Africa and other colonized nations who were fighting for and gaining independence?

In looking back over 50 years how was Kennedy’s record on Civil and Human Rights compared to Presidents like;  Lydon B Johnson? Jimmy Carter? Bill Clinton? How would we compare President Obama and his stance on pressing racial and human rights issues vs JFK? How does he compare with policies toward Apartheid, South Africa,  Latin America? The Middle East? Vietnam?

Many claim that Kennedy’s speech on race and civil rights delivered June 11 1963 was game changer. He filled many with hope and some like Dr King saw him as a visionary of sorts.. Malcolm X saw him as an obstacle who was in the way of Black liberation.. The day after this speech was delivered Civil Rights activist Medger Evers was gunned down in Mississippi..

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