Trump, Political Rhetoric and the Death of My Father

Freelance Journalist Nida Khan

Freelance Journalist Nida Khan

When Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump spews his openly bigoted, anti-Muslim nonsense, it makes great headlines, drums up support from the most racist elements of his base and gives newsrooms something to lead with.  As he rises in the polls and raises funds, and as TV ratings increase, newspapers sell and sites get more clicks, real life consequences happen.  The FBI recently released its annual Hate Crime Statistics Report and according to those figures the number of hate crimes overall fell in 2014 from the previous year – except when it came to the Muslim community.  Anti-Muslim incidents rose and one can only imagine what the final results for 2015 will be.

Since the tragic Paris attacks, there is yet again an increase in Muslim backlash; everything from attacks on women wearing hijabs to gunshots at a family’s home, to vandalism, to a cab driver shot on Thanksgiving day, to threats and even armed gunman protesting outside mosques.  But in addition to these horrendous acts, what doesn’t get any attention at all is the many ways in which both the overt and subliminal messaging of anti-Muslim rhetoric has seeped into the American psyche and created ingrained biases that can be just as dangerous as hate crimes – and yes, even deadly.

In 2005, my father was exiting a grocery store in the small, conservative suburb of Bordentown, New Jersey when he was hit by a car.  He flew back several feet and when he hit the ground, he sustained massive head trauma, hemorrhaging and started losing his ability to speak.  As he lay there struggling, suffering from internal bleeding and holding on for dear life, he tried to communicate but was having difficulties according to witnesses I found on my own.

When the police and EMTs arrived on the scene, instead of thinking that some of his neurological functions may have been impacted by the force of the head injury, they assumed my father could not speak English.  They put a ‘language barrier’ in their report – though he had been in this country since before I was born.  He was sent to a non-trauma hospital despite the fact that a trauma center was virtually the same distance away.  He didn’t get transferred to a trauma facility until five hours later; by that time he fell into a coma, and he died three days later.

I was the first one to arrive at the non-trauma medical facility and I watched as he lay there coughing and throwing up blood from his internal injuries, and I basically heard his last words as he asked me “what happened?”, and I asked if he was in pain.  Even uttering those few words were difficult for him and it took several attempts.  After that moment, he stared into my eyes for about 30 seconds without speaking, almost to silently convey ‘take care of the family’.  He then closed his eyes and would never open them again.  When he was finally transferred to a trauma hospital I followed the ambulance the entire way as my mother sat with the EMTs; neither one of us would be able to communicate with him again.

Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 7.56.41 AMAs my family and I dealt with the immense sudden loss of a loved one, it became apparent just how much disregard was given to my father’s life and wellbeing.  The Bordentown Township police department would not return phone calls as we searched for clarity as to what exactly happened.  My uncle and I found witnesses on our own who told us that cops refused their statements and failed to include them in their report even though they were willing to go on the record.

The final police report in fact only included one witness, and we later discovered that the driver was never even checked for drugs or alcohol.  One officer openly admitted to me that he knew the driver, and several weeks later we learned that the incident was never even reported to the DMV.  The police also went to this driver’s home (on a date after the accident) and allowed her to write a hand-written statement of her version of what happened as they continued to not return our phone calls.  The Chief-of-Police (who also never called the family) made comments to a local paper stating that it was just “an unfortunate accident” and speculated that the driver couldn’t have been going more than five miles per hour – even though the witnesses we found painted a very different picture.

I had the county re-open the case, tried contacting the attorney general, various organizations, news outlets and anything I could think of.  A reporter from NBC did come to one of our court hearings and literally had tears in her eyes as she told my mother and I that they treated us like we were the criminals and not the victims in that courtroom.  Unfortunately, her piece never aired.

Throughout the entire ordeal, it was clear that the authorities thought they could just sweep this under the rug, and had no regard for my father’s welfare and instead treated him as some sort of an inconvenience on that fateful March day 10 years ago.  I attempted to get justice for him any way I could think of, but sadly, I was limited in what I could do.  In the end, the individual who killed him got a careless driving ticket (which was dated almost a month from the incident) and paid $200 some dollars in court; meanwhile my siblings and I lost our father forever.  Though we later pursued a civil suit, it dragged on for so many years that my mother eventually settled for a woefully unjust amount, but not before she lost her house.

I wrote about my dad’s death in the context of the immigration debate several years ago, but felt compelled to do so again because the issues are connected:  the juxtaposing of certain groups as ‘other’.  Could we prove in a court of law that the police and EMTs had ingrained biases against Muslims?  Could we prove that they just looked at his name/ID and thought ‘oh who cares, he’s probably a terrorist’, let’s just send him wherever?  Could we prove that there was such negligence and shoddy police work on this case because they really didn’t care what happened to this ‘immigrant’?  Of course not.  But during the Bush era of ‘us vs. them’, was the climate anti-Muslim?  Absolutely.  When daily messages of Muslims as terrorists inundated the news cycle and in pop culture, the probability that such sentiments soaked into the minds of many Americans is almost certain.

Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 7.58.27 AMToday, when anti-Muslim rhetoric is so vile and so unbelievably outrageous from so-called candidates like Trump, what kind of environment are we creating?  He may be playing on people’s fears, anger – and yes, ignorance – but his political game is creating a society where Islam and Muslims are increasingly viewed negatively and where a backlash against them or an indifference for their wellbeing is deemed acceptable in the mainstream.  The following is from a recent Washington Post piece:

“A majority of Americans (56%) say the values of Islam are at odds with American values and way of life – an uptick in recent years… And in the absence of people they know — and perhaps like — who are Muslim, Americans’ perceptions of what it means to be one could remain negative for as long as the headlines are.”

For people like Trump, it may just be savvy politics, but for a religious minority (and those perceived as Muslim), he is creating an extremely toxic atmosphere.  The FBI’s own stats show a rise in Muslim hate crimes, and everyone knows that those figures are under reported.  But what is impossible to track are the implicit, deep-seated preconceptions that a person may possess – and those can have just as deadly results as was the case a decade ago when my father’s trip to the grocery store turned into an unimaginable tragedy.

Words, after all, have very real consequences.

written by freelance Journalist Nida Khan

Follow her on twitter @NidaKhanNY


Did the Police ‘Fear for their Lives’ in Colorado Springs?

Davey-D-brown-frameToday was a tragic day as a number of innocent people were shot killed and injured at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood. The circumstances surrounding this raises alot of questions..

Earlier this week we saw a video of police in Chicago shooting a 17 year old teen 16 times as walked away from police with a small pocket knife. The incident happened last year in 2014 and was hidden from the public.. The claim was made then and even now via the police union and the lawyer of police officer Jason Van Dyke that he ‘feared for his life’ and hence had no choice but to shoot and kill Laquan McDonald.

Two weeks ago in the city of Oakland, 39 year old Richard Perkins was gunned down by police who were doing paperwork as they investigated sideshow activities. For those who live outside the Bay Area, sideshows are when drivers gather and do illegal maneuver like spins and donuts. On this particular evening, over 200 cars and motorcycles were involved…

Richard Perkins

Richard Perkins

According to Oakland police, Perkins was not involved with the sideshow or wanted for any sort of criminal activity. Nevertheless, OPD says he walked up on 3 rookie officers and a veteran sergeant and pointed his a toy gun at them. The officers said they ‘feared for their lives‘ and shot him dead..They say it was a case of suicide by cops. Witnesses on the scene see it differently. Perkins was the 5th Black man killed by Oakland police this year and the 1000th killed by police nationwide.

demouria HoggEarlier this year Oakland police killed their first civilian in 2 years when they attempted to wake up a sleeping man named Demouria Hogg who was passed out in his car. Police broke a back window and shot bean bags in the back off the car, Hogg remained unresponsive. Instead of waiting it out, OPD who had been on the scene for less than an hour, gathered up more than a dozen officers to swarm the car.

According to OPD, a startled Hogg finally woke up and reached for a gun. Police said they feared for their life and had no choice but to shoot him…

A couple of weeks ago Minneapolis police responded to a domestic violence call involving 24 year old Jamar Clark. According to their reports, Clark interfered with EMT workers trying to help the victim.. Police claimed they feared for their lives when Clark supposedly attempted to grab one of the officer’s gun and thus they shot him. Witness after witness noted that Clark was handcuffed when these fearful police shot him..

Jamar Clark

Jamar Clark

The Clark case is interesting because it led to nightly protest in front of the 4th Ave precinct police station.. In fact people camped out in front of the station. It was here that protesters were confronted by armed white supremacist wearing bullet proof vests who showed up on several occasions to intimidate them. In some instances, the white supremacist live streamed their aggressive antics. The last encounter ended with the white supremacist shooting 5 Black Lives Members protesters who were all unarmed.. The Minneapolis didn’t seem to fear the gun play in front of their door steps when it was white supremacist kicking up dust.. 3 were arrested and lived to tell the tale.

Andy Loipez

Andy Lopez

We can go on and on citing case after case.. From D.J. Henry to Kenneth Chamberlain Sr to Kenneth Harding to 13-year-old Andy Lopez to 12-year-old Tamir Rice to 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley Jones to Yanira Serrano-Garcia to Kayla Moore to Akai Gurley to Alex Nieto to Rekia Boyd…. police in every one of these cases claimed they ‘feared for their lives‘..

Somehow today in Colorado Springs a man named Richard Lewis Dear, who killed 3 people including a police officer and held them off for 6 hours before he was taken away alive and well. How does that happen??

Richard Lewis Dear

Richard Lewis Dear

Am I saying this brutal killer who committed what many feel was an act of terrorism should’ve been killed?? No, what’s being pointed out is that with all resources, training and most importantly, discretion and public trust given to police officers, they can and in many cases find ways to bring in a suspect without unloading their guns, talking about they ‘feared for their lives’…

During the press conference held after his capture,, it was noted that police spent considerable time reaching out, making contact and talking the gunman down. This is what many of us would say is ‘good police work’.

Now the public can see what was behind this act of terror. Was the person an out of control sadistic killer, someone with mental challenges or someone who was part of a larger operation designed to wreck havoc??

Again, here we have man who actually killed a cop and injured several others. He was not playing and clearly intended to kill… Such was not the case in the cases of aforementioned victims of police terror, yet they all wound up dead by highly trained officers with a sadistic police union and complicit, sensationalistic, butt kissing corporate media claiming that the victims were somehow at fault. The reasons given for Black and Brown people being killed by police are:

1-They didn’t follow police instructions. Just listen to the police is the mantra, even when some are mentally challenged and were suffering from episodes related to their mental condition, emotionally distraught or simply couldn’t hear or understand. We know the shooter in Colorado Springs wasn’t listening yet he got to live..

Tory Russell2-They were dressed like a thugs and thus police have lots to fear because of past situations it was hoodie wearing sagging pants wearing, menacing Black males who killed police. Such notions fly in the face of ‘plain as can see’ evidence that year after year shows the overwhelming number of police killed are done at the hands of white men…

In 2014 they were 50 police officers killed nationwide… 26 of those deaths came at the hands of white men including a number of deliberate ambushes. One was racially motivated where white guys sought to kill a Black officer.

Officers were killed 11 times by Black people and 9 times by Latinos, with half of those killings happening in Puerto Rico where the officer shot was also Latino. I looked up each of those cases myself and read the articles around them.. You can look at the various Officer Down Memorial pages which keep tabs on the number of officers killed.

The 50 shot by police is in sharp contrast to the estimated 1100+ people killed by police in 2014 and the 700+ in 2013 (please note this data is gathered from which started tracking police killings in 2013. In 2013, they were only able to track from May-December). It’s estimated that more than 1000 were killed by police in 2013 if you add in the other months.

March to DOJ Carl Dix3-Black Lives Matter and other groups protesting police accountability are creating an anti-cop atmosphere. When you hear such rhetoric, one is supposed to believe gunmen like the one who attacked this Planned Parenthood clinic did so after watching BLM protests. That’s absolute hogwash.

If you search on line you can see there are scores of militia, biker gangs, Anti-authoritarian and white supremacist groups that call for the elimination of police. In fact if you search on line, you can find a tape of avowed racist and Neo-Nazi head Tom Metzger praising the New Black Panther Party and plainly stating that they all share a common enemy-The Police…

Since we know police are capable of facing the most horrific scenarios from today’s Planned Parenthood shoot out to the recent biker gang massacre and manage to keep suspects alive, then we should push and expect the same treatment when it comes to dealing with people in Black, Brown and poor communities where the acts of aggression are far less dangerous and threatening….

To those who lost their lives today, condolences to their families and may they Rest in Piece..

written by Davey D

Khan: No More Bloodshed (The Paris Attacks)

Freelance Journalist Nida Khan

Freelance Journalist Nida Khan

If you listened to many politicians on both the right and left discussing the rise of ISIS (or ISIL) and terrorism at large, you’d think that everything began with 9/11.  Even people like Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton – who, let’s remember, voted in favor of the ’03 Iraq War – argues that though she voted incorrectly, terrorism isn’t on the rise simply because of that invasion.  She and other leaders are quick to remind us of the greatest attack on American soil, 9/11.  While no one minimizes the catastrophic brutality of 9/11 and the thousands of American lives lost on that tragic day, it is woefully misleading to act as if we weren’t already entrenched in the Middle East beforehand.  Even something as major as the first Iraq war is somehow left out of context when we discuss civilian deaths, the rise in terrorism and the current global crisis now facing everyone.  ISIS  may have risen out of the instability created after an unnecessary war in ’03, but terrorism was around long before then – as was Western aggression.

Beth Osborne DaponteBloomberg published a piece in ’03 titled ‘Toting the Casualties of War’ (  In it, they included an interview with Beth Osborne Daponte, a Commerce Department demographer who in ‘92 publicly contradicted then-Secretary of Defense Cheney on the issue of Iraqi civilian casualties during the first Gulf War, and who was later told she was losing her job (though she fought back).  The piece contains the following passages:

“In all, 40,000 Iraqi soldiers were killed in the conflict, she concluded, putting total Iraqi losses from the war and its aftermath at 158,000, including 86,194 men, 39,612 women, and 32,195 children …. She has since published two studies in scholarly journals about the effects of economic sanctions on Iraqi children, and casualties from the 1991 Gulf War and its aftermath.  Her final estimates were higher than her original ones: 205,500 Iraqis died in the war and postwar period, she believes today.”

War -gulf conflictIt is difficult to wrap one’s mind around those figures.  In ’03, the BBC also published a piece titled “Flashback:  1991 Gulf War” ( where they state the following:  “Nobody knows how many civilians died in the war, but estimates for civilian deaths as a direct result of the war range from 100,000 to 200,000.”

Whether the figure is in the 100,000s or the 200,000s, it is an atrocious, inexcusable number of deaths.  If we don’t think that these casualties, or casualties from other conflicts like Afghanistan, Iraq ’03 and drone deaths in places like Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and elsewhere aren’t being utilized as a recruiting tool by groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda and others, then we are simply kidding ourselves.

Paris attacksI want to be perfectly clear that I am in no way ever condoning violence of any kind anywhere, nor justifying horrible acts of terrorism like that which we just witnessed in Paris.  But when events like that most recent tragedy are presented under the banner of “they hate our values”, or “they are unable to assimilate”, or “they hate liberty, freedom and equality”, then we are doing a disservice to both Westerners and the ‘Muslim world’.  We cannot continue to pretend as if these horrid acts are occurring on their own, nor can we shy away from accepting responsibility for the innocent blood that has been shed as a direct result of our actions.

Countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, France and others have been participating in joint efforts for their mutual interests for years.  Those mutual interests have often been about resources, land and the removal of certain dictators, and sadly, many many innocent civilians have been killed in the process.  There is barely an accounting of those deaths, or even accurate figures available – let alone vigils held across the world.  Are they not human too?  Do we not value their souls?  Were they not simply going about their daily routines when their lives were cut short because larger forces were busy vying for power?

Paris tributesPeople across the planet are grieving and mourning for Paris right now – and rightfully so.  But where is the mourning for victims of the Beirut attack that occurred during the same week?  Or for the victims of so many attacks in places like Nigeria, Iraq, Pakistan, etc?  Or for the victims of our wars, our efforts to remove leaders when we feel like it and our drone attacks?  We cannot continue to place a higher value on Western lives, and discount the very real suffering of others.  All life is precious.  The sad reality is that the deaths of innocent Muslims doesn’t fit a convenient narrative for the hawks, or some so-called leaders with great political aspirations.  It’s a hell of a lot easier to say “they hate us for our values” then it is to accept responsibility for death, destruction and instability.

Just as groups like ISIS use propaganda of these conflicts to recruit for their evil cult, those always thirsting for war will likely use the Paris tragedy as fuel for more aggression.  And who will be caught in the middle?  More innocent civilians.  Innocent refugees fleeing hell on earth, innocents in Syria or wherever else we increase our presence, and innocent victims of more ISIS attacks both in the Muslim world and in the West.  It is a vicious, ugly cycle that those in power in a host of countries from all ends of the spectrum are benefitting from while the rest of us are duped into a debate about whether or not we should use the term “radical Islam”.

Since the attacks in Paris, we’ve heard GOP hopeful Donald Trump say he’d consider shutting down mosques to fight terrorism and would be in favor of bringing back surveillance of NYC mosques (though it is debatable whether or not that surveillance actually ever ended).  Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham have called for ‘boots on the ground’, with Graham suggesting a force of 100,000 troops from a broad coalition of nations of which the U.S would be 10%.  And as for ISIS, they promised more attacks like the horrendous ones that took place in Paris.

Somebody please tell the warmongers, the terrorists and the ones who like to create revisionist history that we are tired of the bs.  No more bloodshed.



written by Nida Khan


Blaming Black Lives Matter for the Fake Killing of Officer Lt Charles Gliniewicz

Davey-D-brown-frameNov 5 2015: People should not lose sight of the fact that when the death of this police officer occurred, you had people like Alex Jones of Info Wars along with police union folks pointing a finger or insinuating the cause of death for veteran Illinois Lt. Charles Gliniewicz on September 1 2015 was because of the Black Lives matter Movement..

We should also note that there as massive manhunt which means the death of this officer brought unwarranted scrutiny on any number of people.. Some of it was direct, a lot of it was probably covert. The initial reports during the massive nationwide manhunt was his walkie-talkie was taken and the so-called culprits were listening in.. This blatant lies leads us to question;  How many emails were looked at? How many activist organizations challenging police violence were infiltrated?How many phone conversations were eavesdropped on??

Lt Charles Joseph Gliniewicz

Lt Charles Joseph Gliniewicz

When all was said and done what we find is that  Lt. Charles Gliniewicz was a crook.. He was stealing money from charity and using it for porn and personal expenses. He then supposedly staged his own death by making it look like he was killed by suspects who committed a robbery. Was this a lone wolf with a ‘troubled past’ or was he the tip of the iceberg of a hornets nest of crooked people working within law enforcement?

Heck how do we know he wasn’t killed by his fellow officers because he stepped on toes or crooked colleagues he worked with weren’t trying to cover up something? Should that be part of the line of questioning we ask especially since initially innocent civilians demanding police accountability were subjected to anger and scorn? Has there been an apology about that??

Instead of protesting film maker Quentin Tarantino for calling cops who murder unarmed people ‘murderers’, perhaps the attention should be focused on ‘the few’ bad apples within the ranks of law enforcement. Lt. Charles Gliniewicz killed himself and for the family and friends that’s a sad thing. No one likes to loose a loved one. They should get our condolences..

At the same time we should not be lulled into forgetting that if this cop did what his fellow officers are now saying he did which is; stealing from children’s charity and staging his own death to look like innocent people did it before he took his own life…Well then let the record show that cop was a bad apple.. rotten to the core.. Hence we should be asking how many innocent people did this ‘rotten apple’ impact when he came across them during patrols and routine stops?

If he was suffering from mental illness what was the root cause and how many others on the police force are also suffering? How are they being treated so they can get better? And lastly whose watch did his existence and all this happen? #‎staywoke‬

Below is an article written by Shaun King that sheds more light on this peculiar case

Gentrification Wins in SF w/ Low Voter Turnout

Davey-D-purple-frameNovember 4 2015 Well the 2015 elections in San Francisco are over and it looks like it was a big night for tech billionaires like Ron Conway along with big developers, greedy landlords and AIRBnB who he backed. Measure F and lost.

In short, GENTRIFICATION won big last night. It will stay alive and well and contrary to what many would like to believe those victories garnered by gentrifiers didn’t happen because of the record millions that was spent.  Measure F which would’ve allowed people to sue AIRBnB for illegal/unregistered listings didn’t lose because we saw commercial after commercial on TV every 5 minutes claiming the measure went ’too far’.

Measure I which would’ve put a stop to luxury condos in the historic Mission district didn’t lose because local politicians like Mayor Ed Lee opposed it on the behest of the developers who own and control him… It lost because in spite of the importance of these measures and the long term impact they will have on folks who are struggling day to day and in spite of all the attention nationally and locally they had, you still have 50-60% of the people who are eligible and registered to vote, stay home. You can look at the map precinct by precinct here if you think I’m lying:

In a recent interview, long time journalist Tim Redmond of 48 Hills said everything in yesterday’s election hinged on voter turnout..Whoever can turnout their people to pull the lever will determine direction of San Francisco Gentrifiers stepped up.. Those suffering under gentrification did not bring the numbers needed to turn the tide..

Now folks can get all philosophical and give all sorts of excuses about how both parties are controlled by the same people.. And how the system is corrupt and blah, blah, blah.. We heard it all before.  It’s bullshyt with respect to this.. On the ballot were important Measures put forth by people in the community..  Folks organized, held massive rallies and marches and went down to city hall to pressure and demand that the city put moratoriums on luxury condos..

Supervisors looked out at the packed room filled with angry citizens desperately trying to hold on to their homes and community and sided with developers.. Organizers went back looked at a variety of strategies and took advantage of the citizen ballot initiative process which isn’t even available in many cities and states around the country.. They gathered the signatures, got the Measure on the ballot.. They didn’t get corporate funding, they were grassroots and understood the hard times many were experiencing, especially with seeing their homes snatched up, rents skyrocketing and in some cases, homes being burnt up under suspicious circumstances, would lead folks to taking a stand by going to the polls to reverse an egregious wrong.. It did not..and that’s sad.. That’s sad as hell..

Ron Conway

Ron Conway

One man (Ron Conway) via a company he has heavily invested in (AIRBnB) spent almost 9 million dollars to defeat Measure F.. People say corporations are evil. They say tech Companies are tone def and insensitive and vulturistic, the opportunity to smash directly was not taken. It’s not like folks are mass organizing to boycott any of the products like Facebook, Google and dozens more he has investments in, so why not hand a sound defeat via the polls?

Ross Mirkarimi

Ross Mirkarimi

In other election results we saw that the police  and law enforcement had a big victory.. The rank and file in the sheriff department did not like long time progressive Ross Mirkarimi. At every turn the power elite in SF was looking for ways to upend him. They finally did it by convincing former deputy Vicki Hennessy to come out of retirement to run against him. She describes herself as a career cop who will no doubt do the bidding Mayor Ed Lee and the gentrifier class who came out in force at her victory party last night. She also noted that she in stark opposition to Mirkarimi when it comes to the issue of Sanctuary Cities.

Also former SFPD chief and now current District Attorney, George Gascon ran unopposed and got 98% of the vote. hence we should not expect any prosecutions of out of control police anytime soon…

Aaron Peskin

Aaron Peskin

If there is a bright spot in yesterday’s elections, it comes in the form of the district 3 race for supervisor. Ron Conway and the Gentrifier class put their money and hopes behind Julie Christensen. They went all out to defeat Aaron Peskin who about the business of reigning in tech companies and developers. Conway and his squad spent historic amounts of money on that race but in the end Peskin won. He changes the balance of power on the Board of Supervisors. If he sticks to his promises and his guns, Mayor Ed Lee will not be getting free passes and rubber stamps on all his development deals. Hopefully folks will find some political openings with Peskin on the board and be able to rock with them to turn somethings around..

The other bright spot is the coalition of people who came together to put  Measure F on the ballot to reign in AIRBnB are going to regroup, retool and reintroduce it in San Francisco and in other cities.. If it comes to Oakland, folks had best be ready to ride for it or start looking for nice apartments in Modesto or Stockton..These developers and tech billionaires like Conway have lots of money and are willing to spread it around in an effort to smash.. Hence there will be more elected officials who take the money and run #staywoke

Sheriff Says Brutalizing officer Ben Fields has a Black Lover So He’s Not Racist

Davey-D-purple-frameOct 28 2015: So apparently, the officer, Brian Fields who threw this child around and dragged her, is not a racist.  The reason being according to his boss, Richard County Sheriff Leon Lott; is because ‘He’s been dating  a Black woman for some time’.

Yes you read that right, the logic being put forth pretty much implies; that ball the past allegations and lawsuits against deputy Ben Fields that have been filed by Black folks who see this man as violent and abusive have no racial implications because he gets down at night with a Black woman. The fact that he’s nicknamed Officer Slam because of his brutality to students at Spring Valley High can be overlooked because of his Black lover.. One can make this stuff up.

Officer Ben FieldsLet’s put this in perspective… because we always have folks who are in denial of police brutality and racial discrimination who like to point to a Black spouse or friend of those accused and insist that’s the reason why they can’t be racist. We saw this logic play out in the aftermath of George Zimmerman killing Trayvon Martin. He had a Black friend named Joe Oliver, a former CNN reporter who went on all sorts of TV newscasts vouching for him.

We saw this with former NBA basketball team owner Donald Sterling, who in the aftermath of being caught on tape making disparaging remarks about Black people pointed to the fact he was set to receive and award from the NAACP and had a Black girlfriend  as proof he was not a racist. Fortunately, the NBA thought otherwise and issued a lifetime ban and made him sell the team.

Thomas JeffersonThe ‘I have a Black lover/ friend and hence can’t be a racist’ excuse goes back to the founding of this country. We should never forget one of this country’s beloved founding fathers ‘dated’ a Black woman.. actually she was a 13-year-old slave girl named Sally Hemmings.

He was 44 and was a key architect to this nation’s Declaration of Independence which proclaimed ‘All Men are Created Equal‘. Let that sink in for a minute. The man in question was Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States.

He supposedly loved 13-year-old Sally Hemmings and she bore him 6 kids but he never saw fit to set her free along with the other 200 plus slaves he owned.  Can you really ‘date someone’ when you’re their slave and you are deemed property? And again to reiterate, we revere Jefferson for helping found this country and putting forth the notion that all men are created equal..(Unless your Black…)

What’s the point here? You can be as lofty and high brow as Jefferson and still be a racist and rapist who owns slaves. Hence, you can be white deputy in South Carolina revered by his fellow officers and supposedly loved by a Black woman and still be a racist, brutalizing dimwit who should be removed from the force and sent to jail for brutalizing that teenager. In short, no passes are given..

As for the recent news reports that attempt to justify her being beat because a third video has surfaced claiming this girl hit the 300 pound body builder officer Ben Fields, many are led to believe she hit the officer prior to the encounter..Not true. The girl flailed her arms when her chair was upended and that’s when the officer ‘was hit’.

Her classmates who were interviewed were horrified and in disbelief.

Here’s additional information on this case along with a video of the classmate who filmed the encounter and as a result was arrested for ‘disturbing the school’.  Check that out here–>



Davey D Mix: The Beat Goes On…Till the Break of Dawn

Breakdown-FM-Davey-65-BrownLet’s not get it twisted, many of us are big fans of James Brown inspired breaks and the boom bap sound which was once a dominant hallmark within Hip Hop. This past week on my mixshow (Breakdown FM heard on All Day Play FM), I dug in the crates a little and reminded folks that the culture and music we know and love has many leaves and branches. It’s up to us to explore and engage all of them.

Below is a link so you can hear this Davey D Mix show along with a playlist of some of the songs I rocked.. Please enjoy, there’s more to come.

Turntable and mixer01-Motion Man – ‘Blah Blah Blah’
02-Scarface – ‘I’m A…’
03-Low_Profile – ‘Thats’ Why They Do It’
04-Eric B. & Rakim – ‘Eric B is President’ (remix)
05-The Trammps – ‘Rubber Band’ (remix)
06-Al Green w/Akshin Alizadeh – ‘Walkin’ 2gether’ (remix)
07-Eric B & Rakim – ‘I Ain’t No Joke’
08-DJ Nu-Mark – ‘Our Generation’ (Re-Edit) w/Ernie Hines]
09-Lord Finesse – ‘Return of the Funky Man’
10-Jean Grae w/ Jazzy Jeff – ‘Supa Jean’
11-Divine Styler – ‘Make It Plain’
12-Underground Mafia – Caught Up In The System
13-Gang Starr- w/Big Shug & Freddie Foxx – ‘The Militia’
14-Queen Latifah – ‘Evil That Men Do’
15-Mykill Miers – ‘Do the Math’ [Featuring Iriscience]

Lyrics Born Rocks the New Parrish

LB Lyric Green micLyrics Born is one of the tightest emcees in the Bay Area.  Formerly known as Asia Born, Lyrics Born is a key member of the Quannum Crew which includes stellar acts like; Blackalicious, DJ Shadow,  wife Joyo Velarde and Lateef the Truth Speaker who Lyrics Born often trades rhymes as a  duo named Latryx.

According to his bio:

Lyrics Born had been a music obsessive since his youth, and in 1993 freestyles among a group of UC Davis classmates that occupied the same cramped radio quarters began to find their way onto paper, and suddenly LB had written “Send Them”. It became the first single on the newly minted Solesides Records, a collaborative venture between himself and his accomplices who would later go on to be known internationally as Blackalicious (comprised of MC Gift of Gab and producer Chief Xcel), DJ Shadow and Lateef The Truthspeaker, an East Oakland rapper with whom he found a shared affinity for the rapid-fire lyrical volleys that would define the next step. As Latyrx (a combination of their working names) the two MCs released The Album, in 1997. The LP would go on to become a certified classic, selling 100,000 copies, yet would prove to be the tip of an even larger iceberg.

Lateef and Lyrics Born

Solesides was re-imagined as Quannum Projects in 1999. As co-owner, LB used Quannum as a conduit through which he delivered his most realized project to date, 2003’s Later That Day. The album yielded his biggest commercial success to date, “Callin’ Out”, which charted nationally and was featured in several major motion pictures, EA Sports games as well as a Diet Coke spot featuring Adrian Brody.

The remix LP, Same !@#$ Different Day was released shortly after, showcasing the talents of his closest associates and as well as new material. Meanwhile, Lyrics Born began to explore different means of engaging listeners. He kept fans abreast of his work by peppering the internet with The Lyrics Born Variety Show mixtape series whoch he released himself through his website. The mixtapes, as well as ceaseless touring and the creation of his own internet media outlets Lyrics Born TV and LBFM, were elements of a new formula.

LB Lyrics redSince the release of Later That Day, Lyrics Born has averaged over 150 shows a year, and his explosive live energy was captured on the disc Overnite Encore, a compilation of live performances with live musicians from the Australian leg of his 2006 world tour. He followed up in 2008 with Everywhere At Once, a varied studio disk that signaled a departure from the sample-based pieces he had become known for, supplementing the sound with a full band and a healthy does of synthesizers. Hence, he has arrived at well-rounded sound that is classic and yet futuristic. Tom Shimura hasn’t forgotten how he got here, but he’s never been afraid to look to the future, either.

Here are some shots taken during his recent show at New Parrish..

Singer Joyo Velarde Represents Alongside Lyrics Born

Oct 12 2015 We recently got a chance to see Bay Area singer Joyo Velarde as she threw down some fierce vocals alongside her husband Lyrics Born during his recent show at the New Parrish. She’s definite showstopper and a powerhouse in her own right.. For those who are unfamiliar, here’s what her bio says about her:

If you lived in California in the 90s, chances are you’ve sung Joyo’s refrain in the shower. After the Manila-born NorCal transplant finished studying opera in Rome, she returned to the Bay Area, where she and future husband Lyrics Born recorded what would go on to be Solesides’ greatest hit, a little number called “Balcony Beach.” The song appeared on 1997’s Latyrx, a record that went on to sell over 100,000 copies worldwide.

As part of the seminal indie hip-hop label Quannum Projects – a group whose founders included Lyrics Born & Lateef the Truthspeaker, Blackalicious, DJ Shadow, Jeff Chang (Can’t Stop Won’t Stop/VIBE Magazine,) and Joseph Patel (MTV) – Joyo quickly found her place as “The Quannum Songstress.” In 2000 her first official solo offering – the jazzy and soulful”People Like Me” – was released on the label compilation Quannum Spectrum.

Definitely an underrated talent, Joyo Velarde is someone who we should be paying more attention to..Below are some of the shots I took of her during the New Parrish Show

-Davey D-

Below is a dope video put out by Joyo Velarde

Nas Rocks West Oakland

Sept 28 2015 Oakland was treated to Nas coming to Shoreline Park in West Oakland and reppin’ to the fullest. Each song he performed was done with conviction and left the crowd yearning for more. The Bay Area Vibez Festival will hopefully be bigger and better next year..Below are some of the photos I captured that day..