Last night I got an alert that said an arrest was made in the brutal killing of 7-year-old Jazmin Barnes… She was a Black girl riding in a car with her mom who went on a coffee run.
The initial stories that came out was a white man in an unprovoked attack came over and shot Jazmin killing her and then shot her mom. The Barnes killing set off a nationwide manhunt, with offers up to 100k for the arrest of the killer…
Now here’s where things get a little sticky… Over the past few nights, there’s been a huge discussion about the R Kelly documentary, with many of his defenders stating that our collective obsession with Kelly was taking attention away from Barnes killing.
‘Why are we focus on R Kelly who we all knew was a disgusting individual when we have the killer of Jazmin Barnes still at large??’
Now, if we believe the police reports which state that Eric Barnes Jr (pictured above) confessed that he was the driver and another Black man by the name of Larry W did the shooting in a case of mistaken identity, is the impact and horror of Jazmin’s death lessened? Would a 100k dollars have been offered if we knew Eric Black was the man being accused of killing Jazmin? IN another report the police say the mother saw a white man running for cover and thought he was the shooter..
If its a Black man behind the killing of Jazmin does it change the discussion? Was the R Kelly documentary really a distraction or an enhancement as to why we must talk about the harm that is often visited on Black girls and women? Was our concern about a little Black girl being killed or was she just an excuse go to express anger and go HAM on white oppression?
From the looks of things, it seems like, with some folks, Jazmin Barnes killing was being used the same way Trump and white racist used the killing of Kate Steinle at the hands of an undocumented man named Jose Garcia Zarate to stir up anti-immigrant hate and to push for us to build a wall… There was never a concern about Steinle being killed.
So again, was our concern about Jazmin an innocent Black girl being killed or was she just an excuse to push forth a variety of agendas with the protection of Black girls being priority number one?
Black or white, an innocent Black girl is dead. Eric Black Jr and Larry W, R Kelly or a racist white man who caused a nationwide hunt, does it matter? All three, in theory, have caused unthinkable harm to Black girls and women.. Does it matter who the killer is? Do we still hold the same anger? Are we still demanding the killer be arrested and hung? After all, an innocent 7-year-old Black girl is dead. And if we look at this from a wider lens lots of 7-year-old Black girls are also being harmed and mistreated at homes and at institutions they wind up being forced into.
One of the refrains put forth by detractors of the R Kelly documentary is that we should put race first. We need to prioritize our struggle. ‘Focus on the white killer of Jazmin Barnes’ is what they said… What happens if the killer/killers are Black? What’s our focus moving forward? Do we start to have those painful discussions about Black men harming exploiting, pimping etc Black girls? How do we hold those folks involved in that cycyle accountable?
Claims that R. Kelly Has Increased Record Sales is a Bunch of Hype
So all these news outlets are running around reporting that in the wake of the documentary that there’s been a spike in his ‘Sales’ of R Kelley’s music… There’s a lot of straight-upbullshyt in those headlines so let’s unpack what’s happening.
The headlines ‘R Kelly Record Sales Increase‘ suggest one of two scenarios. The first is tens of thousands or perhaps ‘millions’ of people upon watching the documentary and hearing all these disturbing and compelling testimonies of rape, sexual assault, and abuse were moved and inspired to go to the local record store and ‘purchase’ R Kelly music…
Really?? Think about that. Does that make sense? Tens of thousands of people heard about R Kelly urinating in the mouth of a 14-year-old and reacted by saying; ‘Ya know.. lemme go purchase the latest R Kelly album‘ Do people even know the name of R Kelly’s latest album? Common sense told you that didn’t happen
The other scenario is that folks saw the documentary or heard about it and said they didn’t believe the women and their stories and said they would go out and purchase R Kelly music to make a defiant statement. So, in other words, folks said; ‘Damn it R Kelly is in trouble, they are trying to pull him down, lemme go purchase music to help keep this embattled brother alive’…Is that what we think happened.?
seems like a big number. And to be honest, should we be surprised? Keep in mind, R Kelly is an A-List artist, who’s been around for more than 20 years and has sold over 75 million albums. So 5.5 million listeners sounds legit until you compare him to some of his contemporaries.
So let’s look at some of the numbers being tossed about in these articles and give this some context. There is are two websites, The Blast, and Refinery29.com that seem to be the first to report that ‘streams’… not record sales… but streams of R Kelly’s music on Spotify had increased. In the articles, they note that R Kelly’s numbers had increased by 16% since the Surviving R Kelly documentary aired. They also toss out some impressive-sounding numbers like R Kelly has a monthly listener base of ‘over 5.5 million and over 1.7 million subscribers. You can read the articles HERE.. and HERE.
Many of the stories reporting on Kelly’s supposed ‘increased record sales’ have quoted or pulled from these two articles including actress Jada Pinkett Smith who put up an Instagram video expressing bewilderment that R Kelly is sales are flourishing.
So yes, 5.5 million monthly listeners
For example, let’s compare R Kelly’s numbers to someone like Lil Wayne who has 21 million monthly listeners, Kodak Black who has 27 million listeners, Meek Mill, another embattled artist has 22 million listeners, or Drake who has 44 million listeners. R Kelly’s monthly listeners are comparable to someone like Iggy Azalea who has close to 5.5 million.
What’s the point being made here? Since these news reports wanted to entice us by tossing out numbers we can do that as well, and when you start stacking it up, R Kelly ain’t doing all that, as these stories would imply.
Let’s look at some other numbers. On Youtube, the R Kelly Channel has 2.2 million subscribers. He gained about 100k new subscribers since November 2018. Compare his numbers that with Drake who has 17 million, Kodak Black who has 4.8 million, Meek Mill who has 2.9 million. In short the R Kelly has increased record sales is a bunch of hype..