It should come as no surprise to long time Bay Area folks that are seeing this cherished place they call home becoming more and more gentrified, that along with all the fancy luxury million dollar condos, over priced coffee shops and bike lanes comes a level of blatant disrespect and intolerance that is beyond unnerving.
Not only is it coming from newcomers freshly arrived from the Midwest and back east, but also from folks who have harbored hatred for a long time who live here but have been empowered by this new out of town tech presence. It used to be many who were intolerant saw it was wise to keep their homophobic, racist, xenophobic perspectives to themselves or get seriously checked, but now they are stepping out..
We all have experienced or heard the stories. The climate is beyond toxic with affluent newcomers armed with tech money moving to the Bay Area and feeling entitled to displace and remake this region with no regards to the people and history that proceeded them.
Late last year a bunch of Silicon Valley angel investors moved to Oakland with a concept and company called Remake Rebrand 3.0. They have been quietly lacing all sorts of new businesses with cash flow, infrastructure and cutting edge tech support. They specialize in ‘creating non traditional income streams. You may have seen their work as many hole in the wall places have been transformed to vibrant gathering spots for newcomers.
This past week its come to light they have been meeting with city leaders with their eyes on the coliseum which is been in flux with the eventual move by the Warriors and a possible move by the Raiders unless they make more money.
They are claiming that the Raiders are not utilizing the space efficiently and the city could increase revenue by millions of dollars if they get rid of the Raider’s infamous Black Hole and turn it into a members only VIP Beer Garden.
CEO Ronald Poway a brash 30 something who originally hails from New York City stated that he and his wife visited the coliseum last year during Raider games and found it to be ‘extremely ghetto’ and ‘very scary’.
He said his wife and kids did not appreciate the ‘thug-like’ atmosphere but understands it may be an Oakland tradition that eventually needs to change if the city wishes to be ‘more appealing’ to Oakland’s newcomers.
Poway in an email sent to city leaders, noted that Oakland could increase revenue and attract more affluent Raider fans while simultaneously eliminating the element that makes ‘regular’ people feel uncomfortable by only allowing VIP members into the ‘Raider Beer Garden’, complete with a kids zone for families and food from many of the new gourmet restaurants that have recently opened up in Oakland.
Poway said Oakland has the potential to be a world class city but needs to shed its old image. He noted that many tech firms in Silicon Valley would be willing to subsidize this VIP Beer garden for their thousands of tech workers who need a place to play during the weekends.
Poway has been missing great opportunity by not charging a fee for fans to wear costumes. He estimated the city of Oakland and County of Alameda stands to make an estimated $15-20 million dollars a year if they charge a modest ‘costume fee’ that ranges from $50-$100 per person.
He also noted that additional revenues can be garnered by handing out tickets to non fee paying fans who wear masks or don ‘false disguises’ to the game which is against California state penal code 185. He also suggested that the city look into possible trademark infringement by thug fans wearing non sanctioned costumes.
Poway noted this is the current trend in stadiums all over the country. He also noted the Raider Beer Gardens can also be open to accommodate VIP Raider fans when the team is away where they can watch their team on giant Hi-tech TV screen.
He also noted the Beer Garden can be made into a high end night club with top deejays from around the country and special VIP shows on non game days and nights. This makes sense especially if Oakland resurrects or does some other version of the Coliseum City. Remake Rebrand 3.0 plans to put the finishing touches on this plan at the next Alameda/ Oakland planning meeting…
Click here for more details and see the proposed coliseum plan..