I love the Boondocks and their wicked sense of humor… The episode they did when Dr King comes back to modern times will forever be a classic, even as they drop the N bombs a few times..But hell folks didn’t seem to mind them during Django so why now? As funny as this is or as unfunny if you were offended, the question we should grappling with come Monday is what would King say with respect to the policies we are pursuing as a nation and the direction we have taken as a people?
This speech here is pretty funny..Since we will have President Obama being sworn in on the same day as the King Holiday..

What would Dr King say?
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true leader, green
Excellent educatication through public schools. Empower ourselves. Peace
The Reverend would criticize the visual communication on coincidental community buildin as excerpt of Bell Hooks!
He would tell people to pick up their pants (RED)
Excellent education through the public school systems, no matter what. Empowers ourselves and others. Peace and Blessings to all.
Stop the violence…3RD EYE VISION.
agreed with @wdtvkiller!!! cobalt.
he would shdh at what is going on in the world. -seeme
He would say a whole lot of real ish that black folks not ready to hear ..about there stupidity !!–pink
Dr. King probably rolling over in his damn grave! -teal