Instead of tracking down criminals or better yet standing post at a school to make sure our kids our safe as suggested by the NRA, here’s what taxpayer dollars are going toward..In so-called liberal Austin, Texas..(it’s never ever been liberal too me except during SXSW), police arrested Santa Claus for having kids write in chalk their X-Mas list…
Below are two videos.. The first shows kids talking about what they want for X-mas.. The second shows St Nick being arrested for chalking on a public sidewalk..Last I checked, a little bit of water clears up chalk.. but hey what do I know..This should leave no doubt in people’s minds that the police work for the 1%..
Words fail. Texas can’t afford libraries or Planned Parenthood or healthcare insurance for their aged or poor, but apparently they’ll spend Texas taxpayer money on rounding up renegade Santas and their deadly chalk sticks.
Santa got a case (RED)
Texas just look for sh!t to lock people up over!!smdh –pink
what the what?? smh -seeme
damn – yellow
ooooook then! cobalt.
if he was black they would’ve rodney king his ass (purple) #datzhott
santa wrong for that lo (007) hi hater
damn Santa – peach
Lock him up.. I think thats the guy that took my GIJOE (RED)
Unbelievably ridiculous! (green)
smh….thats crazy (black)
Santa wasn’t playing LMAO -talkn
Well damn…. watchme