When reading this article, please pay close attention to Scarface‘s remarks about 360 degree contracts. They’re a very sinister part of the music industry that has really took all of the fun out of making music. The way it is now, if an artist opens up a Taco stand in Botswana, then the record label gets part of his loot. If an artits decides to do a movie, then the record label gets part of his loot. Its straight up crazy and sad. Scarface is only touching the tip of the iceberg.
-Davey D-
Scarface: I’m Done

Envision a desolate warehouse; everything about this building is nondescript. Let’s call this place corporate headquarters. Inside the hollow doors, a blinding spotlight shines down illuminating a wretched assembly line. There is a listless conveyer belt; it whines as it shoves forth prepackaged stereotypes. Container after container whirs by in an overwhelming fury. Within these shrink-wrapped skeletons are faux Hip-Hop reproductions. Robotic arms line each side of the conveyor belt; they’re positioned to snatch away any renegade instances of creativity and uniqueness that may have slipped past. These distinguishing traits are no longer necessary and are carelessly tossed aside. Innovation and creativity are sacrificed for a mass-produced sound. The corporation gives little yet reaps millions. That’s the cost-effective “Amerikkkan” way. Somewhere a greedy cash register laughs, cling cling.

AllHipHop.com: With your contribution to the game you have our respect and our ear; what would you say about the evolution Hip-Hop? How would you describe what it was in its infancy to what it has become today?
Scarface: The 360 deal is f***ery. You’re giving up money all the way around. What ever you do the record company is there. That’s bulls***. My advice to any artist is to do what Lil Wayne is doing or what Soulja Boy is doing, maintain the rights to your s***. That 360 s*** is total f***ery. I wouldn’t dare even dream about doing a 360 deal. As a matter of fact, that’s some made up s***; that’s not even in the books.
Well, with any kind of music that you f*** with, you got some great music and you got some not so great music. That’s Hip-Hop, that’s R&B, that’s Rock and Roll—let me give you an example. A Rock guy, his name is f***ing Meat Loaf, right. I think that he’s the absolute f***ing worst! But, people love Meat Loaf. You can think of the worst MC you’ve ever heard and people love it, you can think of the worst R&B singer you’ve ever heard and people love it. So, it’s all in one’s preference on what’s great and what’s not…
AllHipHop.com: What would it take to get you out of “retirement” or this just a self-imposed hibernation period?
Scarface: I don’t know. I don’t like it no more. I don’t like the powers that be at all. I don’t like it.
AllHipHop.com: Are you so disgusted with them that you’ll stop making music, period? So personally, you’ve stopped all recording, or you won’t make another track for the public to hear?
Scarface: That’s hard to tell.
“I think the business side of Hip-Hop pissed me off. You know, the business side, the political side— the business side and the political side of Hip-Hop pissed me off.”
AllHipHop.com: After your work on Emeritus have you made any new tracks?
Scarface: No.
AllHipHop.com: Have you been back to the studio?
Scarface: Nope, and I don’t plan on going either.
AllHipHop.com: No? [stagnated silence] How can you love Hip-Hop and feel like that?
Scarface: I think the business side of Hip-Hop pissed me off. You know, the business side, the political side— the business side and the political side of Hip-Hop pissed me off.
AllHipHop.com: Do you feel as though you’re equipped as a business man to handle what was going on in the industry?
Scarface: I don’t want to be equipped for it.
AllHipHop.com: You just don’t like playing the game?
Scarface: Yeah, I didn’t like playing the game, you know. You got to play the game fair. If the game ain’t played fair then—you could have it all and still lose everything. They don’t play the game fair. You got to play the game fair, man. Any game that you decide to play in life; you got to play the game fair. If you don’t play the game fair then nobody will play the game with you no more.
AllHipHop.com: Is it inevitable for our respected MCs to stop making music because they’re disgusted with the bogus practices in the industry?
Scarface: It’s so many things on what the industry is. Why would you buy somebody’s s*** when you can download it for free?
AllHipHop.com: But that’s just one aspect. Some of these rappers don’t deserve to get their album purchased when they only have one good track and maybe a funny skit. I know you personally don’t get down like that; but, you have to look at it from both sides. Besides that what other industry practices don’t you agree with?
Scarface: Like I said, I just don’t like the way that these record company owners and executives are playing god with a n**** career.
AllHipHop.com: Why not embrace the indie route?
Scarface: Why?
AllHipHop.com: You will have full creative control; you’d be able to do everything on your own. You wouldn’t have to rely on the puppet master’s approval to get your creativity out there.
Scarface: You know what’s so cold about the puppet masters?
AllHipHop.com: What’s that?
Scarface: The puppet master won’t admit to being the puppet master. That’s what’s so cold about the puppet master. Man, I’d rather not, there’s so many other ways, for me to— I’m so talented in other areas; so, f*** Rap, f*** Hip-Hop! I’ll say it again; f*** Hip-Hop.
AllHipHop.com: But what about your fans; how can you say that?
Scarface: My fans should say f*** Hip-Hop, too. Hip-Hop doesn’t even exist no more. Does it; is it Hip-Hop still? Is there such a thing? Define the word.
“You was proud to go and buy a f***ing Ice-T record— “6’N The Morning,” Power. You was proud to go and pick up A Tribe Called Quest or N.W.A. You was proud of an Ice Cube or Kool G Rap record….you was proud to own that s***.”
AllHipHop.com: To me, Hip-Hop is a cultural element of expression. It expresses lyricism, dance, art; it gives insight into our community. Why do you think Hip-Hop is losing that essence?
Scarface: Any two ways that you get a White boy singing the Blues; somebody’s lying somewhere. You know, the Blues—have you heard the Blues before? For a White boy to put the Blues out, and says what’s hot in Blues, it’s a lie; because, he doesn’t even have no idea. He doesn’t have no idea why this is done and why we feel how we feel. You cannot expect for a 45 year old 50 year old White boy to dictate what’s hot within the Black community.
Why the f*** are they in charge of what we put out? Well they are. But, why the f*** do we allow them to be in charge of what’s put out. That’s not Hip-Hop, man. That white boy is not Hip-Hop, you’re f***ing 50 years old, man. How could you even think that?
AllHipHop.com: Will the public ever reach the point of critical mass to where we will demand that Hip-Hop stop being manufactured to fit one certain sound and fit one certain image? Will a boycott work?
Scarface: Let me tell you what Hip-Hop is [and] let me tell you what Hip-Hop was.
Hip-Hop was The Sugar Hill Gang, Kurtis Blow, Lovebug Starski, and Kool Mo Dee—you know. Hip-Hop was LL Cool J and Whodini, and Run-D.M.C. Hip-Hop was Blastmaster KRS-One, D-Nice, Big Daddy Kane, Marley Marl, MC Shan and Biz Markie.
You was proud to go and buy a f***ing Ice-T record— “6’N The Morning,” “Doggin’ The Wax,” Power. You was proud to go and pick up A Tribe Called Quest or N.W.A. You was proud of an Ice Cube or Kool G Rap record. You was proud to own AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted; you was proud to own that s***. I agree that 2 Live Crew made a mark in Hip-Hop, you know. I believe that a lot of states in this country have dope MCs that made a huge impact on Hip-Hop. The minute it turned into a business and not a culture it became too watered down. The essence of Hip-Hop is not in the music anymore. The element of Hip-Hop is not in the music anymore.
AllHipHop.com: With that being said, and as a veteran MC, shouldn’t you feel some sort of responsibility to bring it back to what it was? The kids coming up now, they really don’t know any better unless they invest that time to go back to discover Big Daddy Kane, to go back to MC Shan, to go back to A Tribe Called Quest, to actually discover what it was then to what it is now—
Scarface: I really think that N.W.A. made the best Hip-Hop records ever! I mean if you define Hip-Hop like you define the Blues; they made it a way of life rather than just a fad. You know, JJ Fad, MC Hammer, Big Kid Flash— I know you’ve heard of these people, right?
“Hip-Hop ain’t no “booty-dew. Do the booty-dew, do the booty-dew—do the so and so, do the so and so-you know. Don’t get me wrong; every genre of music is going to need their dance records… ”
AllHipHop.com: What will it take for Hip-Hop to get to back to embracing creativity and delivering a message rather than being a number’s game?
Scarface: It ain’t no number’s game no more. Nobody has any numbers no more. Hip-Hop is changing; it’s a money thing. Until the power’s that be start taking it seriously it’ll continue to be in the state that it’s in. It’s some s*** that’s out today that wouldn’t have ever made it before the change. I think that today radio and visual played a huge part in what “they” say Hip-Hop is.
Middle-aged black people and middle-aged white people make up Hip-Hop; when honestly, youth is Hip-Hop. I hear some f***ing MCs that will forever go unnoticed because of the way that the game is. [Ed.’s note: Scarface mentioned the greatness of K-Rhino and Z-RO as prolific Southern MCs.] But they always tell us the truth, the story. Hip-Hop ain’t no “booty-dew.”
AllHipHop.com: [laughs]
Scarface: [chants] Do the booty-dew, do the booty-dew—do the so and so, do the so and so-you know. Don’t get me wrong; every genre of music is going to need their dance records. You’ll have to listen very very closely to what I’m saying. I feel like, the power’s that be, that control what’s being heard in black music and what’s being signed in black music, you know, as far as—the people who put that s*** out there, man. They don’t know nothing about our craft and our culture and our struggle.
It’s impossible for Henry Fartburger to know what’s hot in Hip-Hop. It’s impossible, he don’t know the culture, he’s not familiar with the culture, dude. He’s never been to the f***ing hood, unless he signed one of these goofy ass n****s and they took him to out there, on a pass. Them mutha****ers don’t pass through the hood, man. They’re not from there. They don’t know anything about us. They just sign a check. If you ask me it’s a f***ing conspiracy to destroy black music—to destroy the craft.
AllHipHop.com: Will Hip-Hop preserver and escape this stage that it’s experiencing now?
Scarface: With the 360 deals in place and people putting out songs that don’t make no f***ing sense—rather than giving the great s*** a chance? Let’s say that Eminem did between 6 and 7 [hundred] thousand the first week. Man, f***ing Eminem is brilliant. That’s a f***ing artist. It ain’t no f***ing way he shouldn’t have did a million or two the first week. That muthaf***er is dope, man. But then you go to what we call that assembly-line Hip-Hop; muthaf***ers is going crazy for that s***. We’re not hearing Eminem on mainstream radio. We only get to hear that on XM. They’re not playing Jadakiss on mainstream radio.
We hear a lot of Wayne, which is good, to me Wayne is one of the dopest artists that is out. What about Outkast? I’m not hearing them on mainstream no more. Are they trying to repaint the picture of what Hip-Hop really is? Are they trying to put another face on Hip-Hop? How could you?
AllHipHop.com: Did these feelings propel you to retire after you released Emeritus?
Scarface: Nah, man. Dissatisfaction, I’m cool. I’m going to have my fanbase. I think it was a lot of bulls*** between me and my record company that made me not want to f*** with it no more, in all honesty.
AllHipHop.com: Is this just a phase? Can you really stay away from the mic that long?
Scarface: F*** the mic. Man, f*** the microphone. I’d rather watch from a distance.
I don’t want nothing to do with it. I’m done with that s***. That was a phase of my life that was good to pass on. I’m just glad that it’s over. I’m done.
“I’m done.”
oce cube summed it up in true to the game, no more hip hop just white fans and vanilla ice
I see his points as well as do many others. It may be age on my part, but unless its groups I listened to in the ’80s/’90s…no thanks!
Hiphop is fast food. Put out the crap as fast as you can and the dummies buy it up. Brad is 100% on point. It can’t go back. It will never go back. There is still good music out there but it’s so underground that lazy people don’t wanna dig for it. I liked when Hiphop was mainstream cuz it was easy access. I’m one of the lazy ones. I’ll just keep bumpin my 80’s and 90’s can’t miss bangers.
“360”, ” Eat dat watermellon” – NAs, God may not come when you want him (1994), but he’s always on time. “Release Yo’ Delf!”, Scareface. God is good? All……
Scarface, I’ve been saying this since 1994 that the Bronx were the Judas’ of Rap Music. That “Eat dat watermellon” video by Nas and them is a trip. Baby Boomers won’t like it, but damn that’s the same thing I said back in ’94 on Rapologist Speaks ’94 and spoke about NAs and The Geto Boys, as well. “The Orign of Rap Music” told you all’s parents back in 1994 – “…rappers rely more heavily on gimmicks, rather than talent, which is the stage Rap Music is in now – ‘ A Loss of Orign.'” This was written back in 1994, along with the critique – “…for it all goes back to – how little Americans really know about the Origins of Rap Music”. Negroes started talking about Gil Scott-Herron, The Last Poets, Jamaicans, whatever David Toop taught you all. What he didn’t teach you all is “who you really are and what ‘you’ created using two turntables and a microphone”, becauase had you’d known that 15 years ago this madness perhaps would have been dealt with. But we live and learn, and as KRS-One once said “And You Must Learn!” Google that one.
Hip hop in it’s essence is an African American youth culture. It was birthed in the inner cities as a cry from the oppressed much like Jazz & Blues was birthed from the cotton fields & brothels in the south. Scarface is dead right when he says “it’s impossible for Henry Fartburger to know what’s hot in hip hop” -word is bond! Hip hop was hijacked by the corporate power structure the same way Jazz, Rock & Roll and Blues had been in years past. For example, Capital Records was built on Nat King Cole’s back yet when it came to Nat Cole having his own variety show in the 1950’s the brother couldn’t get any corporate sponsorship and his show was canceled during the first season despite it’s tremendous popularity. What was Nat Cole quoted as saying? “Madison Avenue is afraid of the dark”. Y’all think the “conscious/hard core era” of Hip Hop fell out of favour with the fans? When Public Enemy, BDP, Big Daddy Kane, Geto Boys, EPMD, NWA, Ultramagnetic MC’s -etc. etc. reigned supreme and then suddenly fell off? Nah, white America was scared shitless cause not only were the inner city “black” kids diggin the revolution of it but white kids were hollerin fight the power along with Public Enemy as well and that had the white power structure “in fear of a black planet” -no question.
Bamboowalk, I think you forgot who was letting those groups in the late ’80’s record those songs. Those same people knew if they tried to take it too far, they had Niggas With Attitude just waiting in the wing to “niggerize” the rest of the Black youth throughout America. If you are old enough, you know something wasn’t right about PE when they fired professor Griff. Those groups were about selling albums to make them ew’s rich. hip-hop is not a culture, its a word that European people made up for nursery rhymes that the record companies adopted when the pushed Syvia and another guy named Bobby Robinson out to make all of the money and control their children’s (Black People) minds. Groups recorded only what the “parent” companies would distribute even back then.
nwa was already there, the labels wanted to use nwa as a blue print for garnering more sales to the white audience aka the mainstream, that is when you saw that to b known as cool you had to have a pmrc sticker on ur 12inch or lp cover it’s the same blue print today, but hiphop is not a soley young a people music, it’s pioneers were not teenie bopers like bambatta herc etc those were mid to late 20’s year old men. Reason they use the kids is because they know many adults wounldn’t fall for this nonsence, but generations to follow will, because generations that won’t fall for it will be passed on. That’s why people have to start waking up.
“hip-hop is not a culture, its a word that European people made up for nursery rhymes that the record companies adopted when the pushed Syvia and another guy named Bobby Robinson out to make all of the money and control their children’s (Black People) minds.”
interesting spin but unfortunately wrong on both counts, Rev. hip-hop is indeed a culture; it was a culture before it was an industry.
the hip-hop industry began with Slyvia and Bobby who jerked EVERY SINGLE GROUP THEY HAD on Sugarhill. maybe you need to do some more learning before you quote KRS-One.
As for NWA, they were an indie label group who were somewhat political and represented a voice which hadnt been heard yet. Straight Outta Compton didnt “niggerize” hip-hop–by this i assume you mean the promotion of gangsta rap over so-called conscious rap–that happened later, in 1993, after dr dre came out with the Chronic. again, that was also somewhat of a political record–it was made in the aftermath of the LA riots–but also one which was selling more units than anything else on Interscope at the time, including rock, which had hit rock bottom following the death of Kurt Cobain. When all those East Coast labels saw that the West Coast was running shit, they came back with their own gangster-type music which wasnt political at all–Biggie Smalls, DMX, Ja Rule, etc. So there you have it.
but Scarface is right about 360 deals.
and PE came back after the griff flap with “Fear of a Black Planet.” they didnt own their label so it was either get dropped or drop the anti-semite. i’m pretty sure they made the right call, since that album is classic. it’s not like griff rapped, DJed or made beats.
E-scribblah, can’t waste my breath or typing on ignorance like yours. “Culture – the act of developing by education and training, refinement of intellectual and artistic taste, the customary beliefs social forms and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group”. The “Hippies”, “Beatnicks”, “Vice Warlords”, American Rastas, and ect. once all considered what they were doing was a culture, as well, BUT THEN THEY GREW UP! Young buck, you can’t check me because you haven’t grown-up yet. You still stuck on stupid with “hip-hop”.
Sincerely spoken,
Mahatma McClendon.
I saw the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the first man to walk on the moon in 1969 this year, I just watched a special on Woodstock from 1969 this year, but its a damn shame that this year ;because of some old, ignorant, bitter brothers from the Bronx who still hold on to a petty Black-on-Black crime grudge and had to run to the Jews and give them the control of Rap Music; who renamed it Hiphop to sell mainstream and globally, we are not celebrating “Rap Music’s” 30th year Anniversary (1979) this year. The Honorable Minister Farrakhan said you all were their children. Know your history and know whose culture your stereotyping us all for.
Another excerpt from “The Origin of Rap Music” published in 1994 – “73. When one of this group’s records is played backwards, who is the guy that ironically reports, ‘I got a white girl’?
A) Flavor Flav
B) Pete Nice
C) M.C.A.
D) Harry Allen”
The answer to that question was – Flavor Flav of the group Public Enemy (& S1W’s)
Great points in this article and I feel his frustration, but how much of this is merely growing pains?
I’m in homies age group (read: old) but I’m excited about the possibilities that new technology brings to the forefront in regards to creating music as well as a movement. These youngstas out here ain’t really sweating record deals like that because with the internet they are creating their own buzz and taking charge of their careers for better or worse.
Who’s really cutting edge; The guy stuck in the 90’s still waiting for some A&R to shape and mold their image and babysit them by providing per diem and a (usually) fucked up advance, or the motivated artist well versed in the web game and with more energy to actually hit the streets with their product and touch the people?
These cats are building up a ‘virtual’ army to with the hustle and that’s the bottom line, they are “gettin it in” to coin a cliche. Dudes like Scarface are legends in the game but he’s obviously pretty salty with the politics of the business. That’s a 90’s phenomenon and imho just boils down to not having the right people around you (like a good lawyer). For example, you don’t see P-Diddy or Jay-Z complaining right? That’s because their business game is on point and they have graduated from just being artists to becoming moguls.
The only thing cats can really do is try to school themselves on the business side of the game so as not to be crying bitter tears later on in life when their shine is fading and their show money drys up.
Davey D I don’t know what kind of dough you are making from this site but I appreciate the fact that you keep the content coming and don’t complain.
Staying positive, the first basic ideal! ONE
Excellent point on “no”t complaining and getting up on the business game, but there are no moguls, just pawns, as Russlell Simmons. Jay Z and Diddy will be kicked to the curb when the next one pops up. I have much props and love for Davey D. ’cause he could have back channeled me a long time e-mail requesting me not to visit this site. That’s free speech and an open mind. Two brothers headed in the same direction but different approaches to getting us there. Separated by a word. One question though – Who do you think does the distribution of all music sold in America and “globally” and collects the doe? Internet is cool, but who collecting the doe? We see Master P with the diamond toilet, but what kind of island does the guy who’s doing the distribution have? Just asking?
It should be noted that the word culture has multiple definitions depending on the circumstances (how it’s used). So, it’s interesting to me that out of all the definitions to choose from, someone, in an attempt to say that Hip Hop is not a culture, chose a definition that doesn’t adequately apply to Hip Hop. A thorough check of the word will reveal several definitions that apply to Hip Hop. This exposing of partial truths (incomplete definitions in this case) in order to make a point is an old oppressive and divisive tactic that adversely affects all, but especially Black people.
The fact of the matter is that Hip Hop IS a culture in today’s society. Whether the term came from Europe, Dizzy Gillespie’s Bee Bop era, Cab Calloway’s or Duke Ellington’s orchestra/big band era, etc. is irrelevant to the fact that Hip Hop is a worldwide culture today. As with any culture of people, those within it share a common basic mind set that manifests itself in a plethora of ways. Very roughly stated, true Hip Hop is a state of mind that is dedicated to uplift, educate, entertain, and/or inspire others manifested through various art forms. Those art forms include (but are not limited to) not only MC ing (rapping), but also, spoken word (poetry), turntablism, numerous dance forms, fashion, and graffiti art. Then there are all the offshoots and different styles of those art forms. Rapping is just one part of MC ing.
Gangsta and other commercially manufactured rap are just subsets of rapping. However, they’re the ones that are being capitalized on and marketed to the world as Hip Hop. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your view) their images represent the face of Hip Hop to the larger world outside the culture. This is why most of people who truly represent Hip Hop culture have all but turned off the radio and gone underground for their music. They are not the target audience anyway. This is why more and more artists are looking for less and less record deals and going the indie route. Better control of you destiny is usually more appealing. This is why Scarface quit. He saw the cold, unyielding, mis/un informed, greedy corporate side of it, as was no longer willing to play the role designed for him. They all reject the represented ‘status quo’ as it currently relates to what the world has been misled to believe is Hip Hop.
But this is also why the 360 deal came out. The fan base is slipping, but they’re spending their money somewhere. New artist signings are down, but those artists are signing something somewhere. Current artist are quitting or not resigning, so what’s a conglomerate to do? Generate more capitol by basically tapping into Hip Hop’s manifestations. If they figure out a way to capitalize on Hip Hop and all of its subsets, they will.
But as an ages old saying goes, “Only those who bend over………”. My hat’s off to Face for having the knowledge and courage to follow his heart. I hope more take that lead.
And whaty did you Dictionary say, jubiq. You kids kill me! I’m only restarting what I said 15 years ago to you kids. The jews know me, that’s all that matters. You all are just their children.
What’s funny is someone said they think I’m bluffing. What do I have to bluff about? Contact Dj Gary O in Philly on WDAS 105.3 and listen to the tape “Rapologist Speaks ’94”. He has a copy of the tape, so does NY WBLS and a California once top radio starion. When this thing come 360, you all are going to say, “Damn, they tricked us”. It’ll be like a Black man telling you that Christopher Columbus didn’t discover America, nor did Leaf Ericson, or whoever, because the Black Man had already been here and erected statues of himself . You won’t believe it!
I keep hearing this great term “indie”? Who is the “parent” companies or distributors for these so-called “indie’ people”? I know they don’t own no jets, planes, or boats to distribute. And if they do, they’ll be got just like they got MJ.
Maybe I’m just too old for you kids, but I remember this jewish guy name Lyor Cohen laughing; after he curbed his pawn Russell Simmons; about how he just picked a young rapper from a video and made him a star. Jews tell you in hip-hop who to like, you all just don’t get it. That didn’t happen when Black people were the fans of Rap Music. There was a term called “whack” and that shit meant something to us. That was when it was a “Black thing”. Got to hear “Rapologist Speaks ’94” on those west coast rappers. Too Short, Ice T, please! LISTEN TO THE TAPE PEOPLE, I BEG YOU!!!
I am a scarface fan and I have found that he has had some of the most deep introspective lyrics of anyone in the hip-hop game. But the flip side of that is he has also done his share of empty pop grabs like everyone else in the industry to stay in the loop as it where.
But one thing these so called rappers who managed to garner some power need to do if they dislike the system so much. They need to work to change it. They have a better position than any of us in this thing. People like face,jigga and the like are in a position to create a distribution network or buy into the radio station systems. At least they have enough clout to bring in the right investors. There is a need for new means of media distribution and I don’t see them trying to solve the problem. The whole I will take my ball and go home fuck the game thought process is weak and sad. It is easier to walk away from a bad situation than try and save it because trying to save it could cause you pain. We need folks willing to make another step for this shit cause talk is cheap.
Why in the world would you just give up like that? So many people simply say “I’m out” as oppose to staying in the fight, or educating others how to change the game. Scarface is in a rare position, despite not having full control of the business. It is imparative that he continues to put out music in order to spread the message. He may not change the business side of the game, but I guarantee someone he influences will.
Mr. McClendon, why do you assume that it’s just kids commenting on this site. If you’re here, don’t you think that there would be others? I was born in the sixties. That’s old to some and young to others. The Treacherous Three, The Fearless Four, and U.T.F.O. were/are some of my favorite groups. Kool Moe Dee, Tito, Kieth Cowboy, and Melle Mel still remain some of my favorite MCs.
Anyhow, I agree pretty much with all you’ve tried to bring out over the years. I just disagreed that Hip Hop is not a culture. I understand and appreciate the murky history at the foundation of the whole thing though. However, the fact still remains that millions of people across the world are moving with a collective mind set which is the Hip Hop culture. Though it may be a manufactured culture, it’s still one because of the collective belief of the people. It’s kind of like religion. Most major religious cultures have a murky history and are the manufactured results of or the collective responses/reactions to a certain stimulus/regime. And many attempts of religious truth revelation have been suppressed and mistold as were your courageous attempts to educate the Hip Hop culture.
I applaud your efforts and encourage you to keep spreading the truth. I’ve always wanted to read “The Origin Of Rap” but can never find it. Can you tell me where to buy/download it and the “Rapologist Speaks ’94” tape?
Oh and Merriam Webster online is one of the dictionaries I referred to.
Hip-hop on the business side? It’s better to existed than not at all. If hearing groups that have no regard for political correctness or label sensiblities than its out there for you to find. I think P.E bent some too when they fired Griff, but business is business. Live to fight another battle. Business wise hip-hop is exceedingly more advanced than other music genre’s as vehicles for artist self actualization, economically and creatively. You just don’t see people emerge from the artist level to the levels of Jay-Z, Ice Cube, Latifah, Diddy, 50 Cent, Ludacris, Master P, Snoop and the rest of the moguls. Pop has Madonna, Rock has Rob Zombie. However the talent disburtion of hip hop artists is unrivaled. Look at TV advertising, rappers are just second to athletes.
Are their whitemen outside of hip-hops traditional culture base who are even richer and have power to call shots. Yeah. What you want hip-hop to do kill them? The 360 deal is a knee jerk reaction to hip-hops cultural and entrepreneurial brilliance. Corporate stick up kids. Scarface sees it and calls it for what it is. Scarface himself is an executive. He came up under one of the best in biz J. Prince. Scarface was the president of Def Jam South. He won’t be going on any poverty tours anytime soon. If Face performs its because he want to entertain and inform his people.
favorblade, love your comment, Bro.- “Look at TV advertising, rappers are just second to athletes”. As Richard Pryor would say – “That a devastating f%&*ing word, that has nothing to do with us, we…!” That’s the exact thing I be fighting against with my kids and the youth I come in contact with — “…rappers are second to athletes”. That’s deep when you think about.it and what are children are being programmed with on TV. Perhaps too psychological, but your words are profound.
Robert, where can I get the book and the tape?
jubiq, find a way to get me an address and I’ll get you excerpts of the booklet and tape made in 1994.
And for the record, Oakland is the home of The Black Panther Party for self Defense, true, but where does Bobby Seal work today? Panthers, Beatnicks, Hippies, Vallety Girls, Move People, and American Rastas all eventually had to grow up. As for the Panthers, their point program and work with the youth was empowering and commendable, but like most involved in hip-hop (1987-present) – one day they were strong and stormed on the Federal Building and the government just so happened to be hiring that day. That was the day they grew up and out of the Party or “culture”. Just had to add that for someone. If it doesn’t make sense, it ain’t for you.
There’s a difference between importance and priority. Teachers are more important than rappers. Doctors are more important than athletes. However cultural priority is given to the former mentioned because they make money for other people.
flavorblade, this is where the little racist comes out of me – is it a cultural priority that Black kids want to be athletes and rappers or is this all that they are programmed to see and is the most visible legal ways of making it from televsion? Does hip-hop culture support what is important to our youth or does it simply prioritize what is ignorant to make money for people who don’t look like themselves? Do white America, Asian America, Indian America, or Hispanic America have this same cultural priority, is is this just a thing geared to or is done by African Americans? I’m curious. You know I preach how hip-hop is only an acronym for helping ignorant people- hurt our people, I thingk you are truly on to something that many are afraid to deal with as “adults”.
White America has celebrity worship but actors are higher up in the pecking order than rappers and singers. Now with the reality TV phenom everybody wants to be a psuedo celebrity. The difference between that and black kids with hip-hop is that the average white kid dreaming of being the next Tom Cruise is steady getting his education in the meantime. Their celebrity cult doesn’t have a negative subculture attached. The criminal/drug subculture has embedded itself in hip-hop ethos. Hip-hop didn’t start it. It would be here without it, but hip-hop helps maintain it by making it appear more appealing than it really is. Pimping ain’t easy.
Ok, I’m gonna try to open a little wider the door that Flavablade and Robert Jr. left ajar. And for the record, to me, speaking the unpopular truth doesn’t make one a racist.
I think the fact that Black people are the only people in America who didn’t elect to come here gets down-played far too much. Going back to the Native Americans (and they weren’t native either), every race that has come here has held on strongly to their original cultural beliefs and practices. So even though many races may have struggled through a period of humble beginnings in a new land, a foundation of knowledge and practice of their cultural beliefs (especially spiritually), gave them the collective ability to overcome. That continues to this day.
In this country, Black people’s foundation (especially spiritually) is as fragmented and patched up as an old quilt. As a result, Blacks have become ‘master adapters’, or the ultimate ‘survivors’. Historically, from medicine to music and beyond, Blacks have been natural wizards at creating something out of nothing or something better out of something. However in America, a lack of cultural infrastructure makes it damn near impossible for Blacks to capitalize on their knowledge and skills. Hence, most great ideas/ventures are taken by other races with a solid cultural foundation and used for profit. This is why Black business men and women who do break through stand alone and have to face tougher and/or different challenges than their constituents of other race, just to maintain. There is no innate infrastructure for them to take comfort in. There are only manufactured infrastructures for Blacks: ie. basketball, hip-hop, fraternities & sororities, gangs, etc.
Just like with White, Asian, and Indian Americans, you also don’t have overwhelming numbers of Black Africans trying to be rappers, actors, or ball players either. They too have a strong collective cultural infrastructure that largely influences their aspirations.
Black people have to do a “Tobacco Road”. Tear it down and build it up right. Spiritual education is the fundamental key to true elevation.
A Philadelphia scholar, not one of my favorites, by the name of Dr. Molethe Assante would have you going back to vodoo or koptic religions in Africa to find this spiritual education. “Tear it down”, you say, many say “hip-hop” is a religion. “Tear it down and build it up right”. Both of you guys hit on some good points, but Black people “we” have our priorites wrong. God, the importance of an education, pride, dignity, and respect has been lost as a part of our “culture” and replaced by elements that ain’t got nothing to do with us. If they want to sell Sunny delight, its the white kid “Breakin'”. If you even have credit to get a free credit report they have a white guy “rapping”. You can be so frustrated with your “own” race that you’ll get mad at another race because you can’t make your “own” race understand, that’s crazy, yo!
Infrastructure is a big word. Dr. Robinson in Philly breaks it down to us having a “cultural glue”. A cohesion based on beliefs. Hip-hop can not be Black people’s culture, I’m sorry. It can be something young negroes do and are entertained by, but it is not the way of life W.E.B. Dubois and many others imagined for us. I believe it was Dr. King who said be the best. He said if you are a street sweeper, be the best. HIp-hop has numbed the senses of the young Black youth. Where would we be if the Jews pulled the plug on Hip-hop tomorrow? Got to google it, but I bet we’d be doing something to do with that “Tobacco Road”. They call me anti-semetic, No – “I will destroy you until you help my children”. The Mahatma’s starting to come out of me. Let me chill.
jubiq, hit me up at cywriter@embarqmail.com with an address for excerpts of “The Origin Of Rap Music” and “Rapologist Speaks ’94”. Can’t sell it, too much back interest due to me. Peace!
As a Rapologist-Critic, one of the wisest things I ever read on this site so far has been – “The criminal/drug subculture has embedded itself in hip-hop etjhos. Hip-hop didn’t start it. It would be there without it, but hip-hop helps maintain it by making it appear more appealing that it realy is”. Damn, that’s deep, flavorblade, been saying that shizz for 15 years. “My people are you with me where you at” – Release yo delf!
“The criminal/drug subculture has embedded itself in hip-hop ethos. Hip-hop didn’t start it. It would be there without it, but hip-hop helps maintain it by making it appear more appealing than it really is.” “Helps” – helps do what? “Hurt” – who gets hurt behind all this maintaining “ignorance”. I was reading somewhere on here where on one of these posts a guy was glorifying “ignorance’ of the past instead of learning from it. All I can say is read – “THE ORGIN OF RAP MUSIC” – 6) What really has nothingto do with “Hip-Hop”?
A) Grafitto B) Poppin’ C) Breakin’ D) Crips-Bloods
The answer was – D) Crips and Bloods. The Crips and the Bloods were “California” gangs rivaling, which some how made its way into the whole montage of the California Gangsta’ genre via a Hollywood movie known as “Colors”. This 120 minute depiction of urban violence among Los Angeles gangs and the La Ploice Department by Dennis Hopper, released in April 1988, merely broadcasted to the rest of America what was allegedly occuring in South Central Los Angeles, California. We can thank a white guy named Dennis Hopper for advertising gangs to be spread all throughout the rest of this country for box office buck. At the same time, Eazy E was and his California group N.W.A. later began boasting about gang violence and the police , as well. Much like the movie “Wildstyle”, by a jew named Charlie Ahearn, the movie “Colors” subliminal effect had kids all across the nation starting to try to be like, or copy cat, the gang codes and memberships that they had saw in the movie… ” More, obvioulsy, but you get my point how movies as well as music has been used to negatively indoctrinate our young people. “Colors and Relaity Rap = gangs and prison for our youth”. Nothing to boast about, celebrate or reminisce about with a smile.
flavorblade the comments you make seem so ludacris, i don’t what kind of stuff you read, but it’s totally wacked out.