White House Is Rather Mute on Jackson’s Death
By Jeff ZelenyPresident Obama spoke with his top aides on Friday morning about the death of Michael Jackson, but the White House chose not to release a statement of condolences that it commonly does upon the deaths of many prominent Americans or global figures.
“I talked to him about it this morning,” said Robert Gibbs, the president’s press secretary, speaking to reporters at the daily press briefing. “Obviously, Michael Jackson was a spectacular performer and a music icon. I think everybody remembers hearing the songs, watching him moonwalk on television during Motown’s 25th anniversary.”
“The president also said he had aspects of his life that were sad and tragic,” Mr. Gibbs said, adding that he did not believe either Mr. Obama or Michelle Obama had ever met Mr. Jackson.
And that seems to be the first – and the last – word from the White House on Mr. Jackson’s death.
source: http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/06/26/white-house-is-rather-mute-on-jacksons-death/
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President Obama has been strangley silent in the aftermath of Michael Jackson's death. We wonder is it because he is assessing public opinion about whether or not he should say something favorable about the 'King of Pop'.
I never met Michael Jackson either, but I would atleast comment on his loss. Maybe Jeremiah Wright was right about who controls Obama. I’ve said my part,. I’ve grieved enough. If its not meant for you to know the “truth”, you just ain’t going to know it. America’s problem is “FEAR”, fear of knowing the “truth”. We’ve ben living a lie for so long – hint – Dr. Van Sertima.
Maybe Obama took a hint from Bill Maher and doesn’t want to look like Flavor Flav, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, and the rest of the clowns. It’s kind of odd that he didn’t go on televsion about this. He knows who butters his bread.
I did e-mail President Obama today. Not that I made a diffrence, but he did send a personal letter to the Jackson familyas of Sunday. Couldn’t watch the BET Awards, we really don’t have talent. Thanks to New edition and Ne-Yo for singing the Michael tributes. it was great how they quickly put the show together for Michael, but our people just can not sing and don’t have talent all in the name of hip-hop. And Jamie Foxx and the Alcohol song made me turn that crap off. And out of all people a “Wayans” was invited during a tribute to Michael Jackson – Negroes Please!!!
I really don’t care if the current administration was mute or not about Mr. Jackson’s untimely death… we have far more important issues that I would like our esteemed president to comment on.
Michael Jackson being a man of peace, having a loving Brother Jermaine (a Muslim) who is one of few who stood up for Michael, associated with the nation of Islam but on the other hand, crossing borders to Dubai in the Middle East where he made his home, I don’t think sits well with some ignorant Americans, Skull and Bones Neo-cons, and in the new administration of Jews. It did’t sit well with the Resist Al Ron Hubbard who believes in a supreme human being, (Al Ron Hubbard and his Clan) when Michael stopped paying millions of dollars to Al Ron Hubbard, and It did not sit well with the all mostly white jury of ignorant anti-Arab sentiments during the Bush Administration, so why should it sit well with the many Jews in the white house today? Remember these people are still around pulling strings in our economy and Obama has to deal diplomatically with all these people. I believe more dialog education diplomacy is needed in this country in dealing with race as it is associated with religion. Pray for Obama.