Breakdown FM: 2Pac Birthday Tribute Mix



This is a walk down memory lane where we celebrate the life and times of Tupac Amaru Shakur. He was born June 16th 1971 and died tragically September 13 1996. Featured on this Tribute mix are Sway from MTV, author Dr Michael Eric Dyson, 2Pac’s first manager Leila Steinberg, Big D one of 2Pac’s first producers, West Coast pioneer Julio G Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Shock G of Digital Underground,  YoYo and yours truly Davey D.

 Sit back and enjoy his words as we celebrate the accomplishments of one Hip Hop’s greatest rappers.. Big shout out to Big Jon Manual of KYLD radio and Alex Mejia of audio main frame produced segments for this tribute

click the link below to check out the Birthday tribute mix

Birthday Tribute Mix for Tupac Amaru Shakur


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