Hip-hop was born of racial consciousness. You can’t divide hip-hop from the social and political circumstances from which it came. There may be new occupants in this house called hip-hop. Most of the people who built this house of hip-hop would say, everybody is welcome in this house, but the people who built it were people of color…
Hip-hop was born of racial consciousness. You can’t divide hip-hop from the social and political circumstances from which it came. There may be new occupants in this house called hip-hop. Most of the people who built this house of hip-hop would say, everybody is welcome in this house, but the people who built it were people of color… you go into somebody’s house, then you gotta respect that. If you don’t have that [racial] humility, you won’t have the foundation that provides.
I’m not sure that Eminem and Asher Roth occupy a healthy space in the “house of hip-hop,” as Dan Charnas calls it in Jay Smooth’s latest video.
Eminem’s new album, rehashing his ‘Slim Shady’ persona, is another narcissistic ode to hyper-violence shot through with a strong dose of misogyny (he calls Mariah Carey a ‘cunt’). Roth’s debut “Asleep in the Bread Aisle” is a celebration of the apathetic college slacker lifestyle. He recently joked about Don Imus’ racist tirade against the Rutgers women’s basketball team before performing there, then made some asinine comments criticizing “black rappers.” I think both of their albums suck, frankly.
Charnas is right. White folks need to have, at the very least, some humility before they claim space in hip-hop. Creative talent ought to be a requirement too. Unfortunately, a lot of people are talking about Eminem and Asher Roth, who arguably aren’t showing much of either right now, as if they’re the only white emcees in the game. Here are a few white (male) rappers I’ve been listening to (and broadcasting on KVRX) for a while – each producing positive, quality hip-hop. I’m from the West Coast, which I guess explains the bias to that part of the country in this selection.
Brother Ali
Brother Ali is probably the best known out of this bunch. He’s an albino, nearly blind Muslim born and raised in the Midwest. His critically-acclaimed 2007 album, “The Undisputed Truth,” is an in-your-face mix of political and personal declarations about life in America. It reached #69 on the Billboard charts. Here’s “Uncle Sam Goddamn.”
Toby, with Tunji (who is black), make up the Los Angeles group Inverse. I caught an interview with them on KUBE 93’s Sound Session earlier this year and was struck by how down-to-earth they both were. Their latest EP (download!) has a deep, rich sound, with the two of them showing love for L.A. and the Cali sun. Here’s “Spark My Soul” featuring Substantial.
R.A. Scion
They might talk slow in the Southern heartlands, but R.A. Scion, who grew up in Kentucky, has the fastest and densest flow here. I honestly can’t follow him half the time, so I visit his blog to read through his complex and profound lyrics. With DJ Sabzi he forms ‘Common Market.” Here’s their latest song, “Tobacco and Snow Covered Roads,” produced seemingly on a whim during an especially snowy day this past winter in Seattle. He’s a far easier to follow on this track than usual.
Grynch quotes Langston Hughes In the first line of the first song I ever heard from him. So I knew immediately this 23-year-old rapper, also from Seattle, was on point. Apparently Dr. Dre’s ‘The Chronic’ hooked him on hip-hop at age 10 and he released his first album during his senior year in high school. Here’s the song I mentioned, called “I’m A Dreamer” featuring Geologic and Thig Natural, off his recent ‘Something More’ EP (download!).
“Helping people understand the things they can’t see” is his motto. Portland-based Braille spits what’s on his mind and you can tell he really means ever word he says. His latest project involves raising money to donate 30,000 copies of his latest record to at-risk and incarcerated youth. “That Feeling,” which describes his ever-changing but always strong relationship with hip-hop, is below.
These guys are also from Los Angeles. Don’t know much about ‘em except that they met in college and make smooth, accessible music. Here’s “Higher (Breathe).”
Made it this far? Here’s a mix to download of the tracks listed above.
I want to mention that I hesitated to publish this post at all. Jay Smooth interviewed a white guy for his thoughts about Asher Roth, now I’ve published a list of white guys as an alternative to Roth, Eminem and their ilk. What started as a conversation about whiteness in hip-hop is now… a conversation by white guys about other white guys in hip-hop, at least on this part of the Internet. The voices of people of color should to be central here and they’re not.
So I’m not saying you should listen to the guys listed above instead of Roth and Eminem. Listen to whoever you want, and if you like good hip-hop, odds are those artists will be people of color. I don’t think the house of hip-hop needs white people at all, in fact it would probably be better off without us. POC built the house and they’re keeping it strong, despite what Nas said a few years ago.
On the other hand, the reality is there are probably more white consumers of hip-hop now than ever before. I’m one of them. And I feel like it’s important for me and Jay Smooth and anyone else to say to other (white) folks, “If white people are going to be a part of hip-hop at all, they ought to be humble about it and play a positive role.” I think the guys above are generally doing that, so they deserve the spotlight more than Em and Roth – but not necessarily more than anyone else.
“I don’t think the house of hip-hop needs white people at all, in fact it would probably be better off without us…”
Come on homey stop the madness. Unless you’re in NYC you would have never heard hip hop if it weren’t for white people like rick rubin.
White people have as much right to participate in Hip Hop as black people have to take kung fu lessons or play sports like basketball, golf, and baseball that were invented by whites. Welcome to America at it’s best. A meritocracy should be the goal not reverse racism under the guise of respecting the creators.
This is not like rock and roll or jazz where segregation gave white artists unfair advantages and forced black artists out of ownership of labels and masters. We’re around 30 years into this and no one’s white washed anything.
I don’t like eminem at all because he makes childish pop music and I’m an adult. But I can respect that he’s himself and not trying to patronize black people out of some kind of white guilt complex. Half your list don’t even have albums. Seriously? You can say a dude you heard an interview with and one single is better than Eminem? He may be a joke now but I can remember when he was a very promising underground rapper who never really delivered when it came to albums but who came up thru hip hop circles and battles not internet radio and blogs.
But my real beef is where the hell is Ill Bill on this list? What about Vinnie Paz? Have you heard “Visions of Gandhi” or Non Phixion’s “The future is Now”?
b lo Tim, who is on your short list of “white rappers”?
Ill Bill most substantial. Commercial hip-hop is the same for whites and blacks. Money and marketing make the record go round.
Don’t sleep on The Grouch. He’s from the Living Legends crew from the Bay. His latest joint, “Show You The World”, is a true head banger with tight quality lyrics to boot. Eligh and Aesop Rock bang too. I’m surprised that none of these artists were on the list, because they all have been making albums for years and have pretty decent fan bases.
im sayin…why do whites beleive that people of color should feel privileged to be involved in “white things”?! this is a response to the homey on top…..first off golf is not white…..it may be in some sense but it is a FACT! that that the FIRST AMERICAN GOLFER WAS INDEED A BLACK MAN….. also basketball and all that shit that was “invented by whites” (but dominated by blacks) all came under a sun that shines over a country that was BUILT BY PEOPLE OF COLOR(chinese blacks etc.) so please please please,slow your role…..do you think that if whites were building railroads then maybe,just maybe a black guy would of thought of throwing round objects into a peach basket? think about it…..let me end in sayin that nearly all forms of american music is indeed black as well……..and for a genre (hiphop) that has such bad stigma surroundin it im happy that one of the worse artists is a white dude(em) because god knows that the shit he say would not be tolerated at all if it was a black dude……homey rappin about rape alot in his new music……im sorry but shock rap does not feed my soul
did yall see the freestyle on treazyradio wit COSAMA? not bad youtube:Cosama
1 more vote for the Grouch & Eligh – dope Westcoast music
The Beastie Boys are as good of lyricists as Eminem, and far better than Asher Roth, who isn’t even a rapper. When has Asher ever just flowed on any song? Just sings half his lyrics, and raps the rest out real slow. Asher Roth is not hip hop. He’s party of a new wave of alternative rock that’s co opping hip hop into its music, like Linkin Park. In other words, biting hip hop because alternative rock died with Kurt Cobain.
Matter of fact, listen to the song Asher samples with College, “Say it aint so” by Weezer. It’s almost the same song. Weezer could have just rapped out one verse all slow and smart ass, add a little bass, and it’s the same song.
I don’t believe Davey you put that book out in 1985. Maybe so. “But the people who built it were people of color”, you need to find my book “The Origin of Rap Music” and cassette tape “Rapologist Speaks ’94” from 1994 along with all of my articles and letters and you’ll see how blacks have sold “Rap Music” to the Jews. When you mix addicts with Jews we end up with no history every time. See “The Origin of RAp Musi” and listen to “RApologist Speaks ’94”. You all negroes and Jews owe me “reparations”.
I Don’t see any of those other rappers doing anything, because theyre white, you know they’re white, and they sound white. Most of the people on that list are backpackers. Lyrically they may be better, but their shits more like spoken word. There’s a white rapper I know of that doesnt make whiteboy rap. His music commands respect, and he sounds like nobody else. He actually makes gangsta music. Positive or not, the music touches you regardless. Can rap about absulutley anything, and can honestly say that hes either done or seen it. His name is Grits Gutta. Hes from Gonzales Louisiana and he’s the truth. I found him on myspace at myspace.com/gritsguttaman. Check Him out. You’ll see that I’m right and you wont be disapointed.
the grouch is a pimp, ain’t my life is a great song. brother ali repping minnesota…he’s also legally blind.
since when does asher roth count as rap?
Ow, you’re sounding pretty racist man…why can’t you look at it this way…let’s say that people learn a lot of things from other people, freely. And about that ‘cunt’ saying…well, I might say that there’s a lot out there preaching nice words and doing not so good round the corner, so we’d better throw a wrench of spokes by to leave the air behind us clean.
”There is a path to end all suffering, you should take it”
Beastie Boys
Hey Davey D, thanks for re-posting my piece… but next time, please at least include a link to my blog instead of copying and pasting
hey there the piece was being passed around via email when I first saw it sans link..I was pretty late on getting it.. otherwise I would’ve linked back…In fact i still don’t know the link..to ur blog..
No problem, but the link to my blog is right in my name in my comment. Here’s the original, which has links and videos: http://www.mediahacker.org/2009/05/7-white-rappers-way-better-than-eminem-and-asher-roth/
checkout dan valdes aka the real dirty d
This is some sort of joke buddy. If you were a real fan of hip hop you would realize that Asher Roth indeed sucks, but EMINEM, wtf, hes the greatest rapper of all time. better than big pac and nas. try and listen bud
White rappers better than Eminem
1)Edan-hip hop dj,writer,producer,graffiti artist and breakdancer
2)Promoe-Swedish rapper
3)Jason the Argonaut-from the group Disflex 6
5)Sabac Red
I never understand why people think that if a rapper is not mainstream than he sucks and has no money,these underground rappers make great incomes and than they are smart with their money and invest it in things like real estate and end up becoming millionaires they might not have 600,000,000 million dollars like Puffy or Eminem or Gay Z,but they make enough to not sell out(how many millionaires do you know?),also the underground scene is very big in other countries where the Euro is used and that is worth more than the US dollar and these guys have big followings in these places.Rappers that become mainstream seem to have no financial knowledge so they get taken by record companies and before you know it they are selling out like crazy to get money,EX.Vanilla Ice,Tribe Called Quest,TLC,Mc Hammer etc..
Funny thing about Eminem is that he does not consider himself a rapper he says he is a businessman,Robert Kyosaki and Donald Trump held a seminar here in Atl and guess who was there as a special guest talking about his big real estate purchases now that Detroit has some of the lowest priced real estate in the country?Thats right Eminem and once again he called himself a businessman.
Edan, Braille, and Brother Ali are nice!
I agree Asher Roth is/was a whole lotta hype about mediocrity.
The only guy in Move.meant that raps is Champ, one of the others a DJ, a fairly famous one now – called DJ Spider and the other guy is a producer. The rapper in Move.meant, Champ now goes by the name Adrian Champion.
Wow how many times am i gonna read something like this. This is based on opinion… I will make a bet that all of those rappers own at least 1 Eminem cd…
I make another bet that Eminem doesnt own any of theirs…. can i get an amen? lol
this is for that blak dude up at tha top sayin Blacks perfected tha white manz world. mofo guess who released u frum slavery… A WHITE Person. adam n eve..WHITE. ur jus mad kuz u aint white. William shakespere invented beats. (Tapping wid words) and rap is poetry-white ppl invented bak along tym ago fool! im white n proud of it
Its all about N2DEEP TL and JAY TEE from Vallejo. No one named on this page can touch those fools. They are more considered chicano cause Jay tee is half mexican but you cant sleep on that crew that been doin it since back in the day. Youtube N2Deep “back to the hotel” or the newer “bad boyz”. Thats untouchable. Eminem was tight in the infinite days, his new stuff is wack though. Kingspade and Kottonmouth kings got some tight songs. La Coka Nostra is comin ill with it. Mad child/swollen members got some tight stuff too.
It’s funny that even today, years after the Eminem hype, white rappers are still being compared to him. Depending on what part of the US you live, you will find white MCs rocking shows all night. I’d have to say my favorite would have to be TopR aka Top Ramen.
Wait you made this list with all these people and no El-P? You know, from Company Flow? The first record put out on Rawkus, the head of Definitive Jux? without which the scene that supports all these kids wouldn’t even exist? It’s almost worse that none of the commenters acknowledge that he’s the best by a mile.
I guarantee you every rapper on this list would put El-P at #1
And did that guy say blacks should be happy that whites released them from slavery? And that Adam and Eve were white? Man.. That’s the problem with the “white rap scene” – the boundless racism.
And another guy literally said “Gay Z” and that Tribe sold out? When the fuck did Tribe sell out? If anything, they never grew because they were so insular and afraid of selling out in those weird days when making money was a sin.
Either way, check out Company Flow’s Funcrusher Plus for a history lesson.. Or El-P’s solo album Fantastic Damage, or his production on Cannibal Ox’s Cold Vein or Killer Mikes RAP Music.
These guys are also from Los Angeles. Don’t know much about ‘em except that they met in college and make smooth, accessible music. Here’s “Higher (Breathe).”
I mean.. You’re padding the list out with this and you don’t list El-P.
God I hate people who only care about terrible white rappers