Today Pres Obama Speaks He’ll Deliver a Good Speech-But Will He Deliver Good Policy in Honor of Dr King?

Obama-KingToday on the 50th anniversary of the historic March on Washington President Obama will give a speech in the very spot where Martin Luther King spoke and at the exact time..

Many will applaud and get excited because of the symbolism.. We have a Black president.. Who would’ve thought that possible 50 years ago? Make no mistake, President Obama will deliver a speech for the ages.. When hasn’t he delivered on that end? And many will come away feeling good for the moment..

However a man with his position and power has to deliver more than a good speech.. He has to deliver good policy. A man in his position and with his power has to 100% stand for good policy that is aligned with the policies the man who he is attempting to symbolize pushed for..

King in ’63 was addressing poverty..not the Middle class. He was addressing poverty and he was addressing the brutality being leveled on the masses of Black people. He and fellow organized agreed to tone it down so as to not leave folks with the impression they were ‘too militant’.

They went out of their way to look and act ‘respectable‘ so folks would be more accepting and look less threatening. In short they dotted ‘I’s and crossed ‘T’s.. and even though King was not an elected official, and the congressional deck was stacked even harsher than it is today, important legislation was passed.. The Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.. What will Obama deliver today beside a good speech? With less odds and more power what will he stand for?

Click HERE to Listen to DJ Chela's Hurricane Katrina Mix

What issues will Obama give voice to? For example, today marks the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and there are still tens of thousands of people scattered around the country who have not been able to return home 8 years later..What will he say about a gentrified New Orleans that has been unaffordable for those displaced?

What will he say about those who are still losing homes to massive foreclosures especially as his Housing Department is going after cities like Richmond, California for using Eminent Domain to save the homes of Black and Brown families?

Today is the anniversary of Emmet Till being killed in 1955.. In ’63 2 months prior to the March, Medger Evers was killed. Both were victims to vigilante justice That is still occurring with with renewed vigor as we speak both by racist, wannabe Stand Your Ground advocates like George Zimmerman and Michael Dunn who killed Trayvon Martin and Jordan Davis..

Today we have vigilante cops who running rampant doing stop and frisk and killing Black folks at a rate of once every 28 hours.. How will Obama address that? What resources will he direct to ending that? Will he ask his Black Attorney General to investigate and prosecute or will he justify the praise he has given to individuals like NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly who are riding hard for stop and frisk policies even as fellow Black police officers have spoken out against them?

We know that 50+ years ago inmates inside Georgia prisons broke their legs and shackles to bring attention to the dire conditions they were enduring? Today marks the 52 day of prison hunger strike in Cali, where inmates are bringing attention to dire conditions they are enduring? A federal judge recently said they can be force fed like the prisoners in Gitmo..That amounts to torture.. What will Obama say to this?

He’s a politician and can’t keep it 100% some will say?? If that’s the case then why is he speaking in the place of a man who gave his life for his principles..?? Has Obama sold his soul? Have we sold our souls cheering for politicians, policies and politics that were being protested at the Great March on Washington 50 years ago?

Here’s some context to that speech and March 50 years ago.. —>



  1. I don’t support Obama, sue me

  2. are you freaking kidding me? Obama is just a pitch man for large corporate(banks) and globalization through socialism more of the fabian type… very slow descent into tryanny and total control, Martin Luther King Jr. is a legend for equal rights and for peace and unity amongst all people, a prize from God to the earth , a representation of freedom. These 2 are opposites.


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