Superman Says He’s Tired of Being an Instrument to US Policies…Renounces Citizenship

Say what you will, but while many of us have been distracted by racist shenanigans ala Donald Trump or the obsession our esteemed media had with the around the clock coverage of the Royal Wedding, we been ignoring the developing story lines around one of our oldest and most beloved comic books and heroes-Superman.

Superman who has long used the tage ‘Truth , Justice and the American Way… is set to renounce his citizenship to the US in an upcoming plot. He says he’s tired of having his actions construed as a instruments of US policy-Oouch!

Maybe Superman looked out at and realized he was no longer working for the people but instead uber rich corporations who want to suppress the people. Maybe Superman looked out and saw the over the top antics of racist and sexist policies championed by the Tea Party…

Maybe Superman got tired of seeing that Justice is only for the Rich and Powerful and the American Way is increased imperilism at all costs.. Who knows..Maybe it was slow box office sales.. In any case its a reflection of how this country seems to fall out of favor with folks all over the world everyday..

All this is going down in the upcoming addition  in Action Comics #900 According to Comic Alliance

…Superman announces that he is going to give up his U.S. citizenship. Despite very literally being an alien immigrant, Superman has long been seen as a patriotic symbol of “truth, justice, and the American way,” from his embrace of traditional American ideals to the iconic red and blue of his costume. What it means to stand for the “American way” is an increasingly complicated thing, however, both in the real world and in superhero comics, whose storylines have increasingly seemed to mirrorcurrent events and deal with moral and political complexities rather than simple black and white morality.

The key scene takes place in “The Incident,” a short story in Action Comics #900 written by David S. Goyer with art by Miguel Sepulveda. In it, Superman consults with the President’s national security advisor, who is incensed that Superman appeared in Tehran to non-violently support the protesters demonstrating against the Iranian regime, no doubt an analogue for the recent real-life protests in the Middle East. However, since Superman is viewed as an American icon in the DC Universe as well as our own, the Iranian government has construed his actions as the will of the American President, and indeed, an act of war.

Superman replies that it was foolish to think that his actions would not reflect politically on the American government, and that he therefore plans to renounce his American citizenship at the United Nations the next day — and to continue working as a superhero from a more global than national perspective. From a “realistic” standpoint it makes sense; it would indeed be impossible for a nigh-omnipotent being ideologically aligned with America to intercede against injustice beyond American borders without creating enormous political fallout for the U.S. government.

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  1. Interest twist and with Lex Luthor’s continuing rant about Superman being an alien and not one of “us” this is building up to something. Or is Superman trying to compete with Batman’s new Batman Inc. global outfit (sorry I am a Batman fan)?

  2. Darkoverolrd-Definer says

    So now comic book characters, show the direction we should be taking? Remember this is the same cartoon used to push amerikkan fascist propaganda in the pasted. I admit we live in and age of cartoon like clowning,coons,buffons,racist motor mouth maggots and vampires of all colors and catorgories,but this is a bit much .The Donald Tramps of the world,will alway continue to dominate and subjgate idiot masses who worship not so much them as the wealth the have. Where is my Bro. Man comic book,to set this shit straight?

  3. Critical Eye says

    While this is SOMEWHAT interesting, I’m more interested in what Brothaman or some of the INDEPENDENT creations of Black comic book writers and artists, such as the ones involved with the Black Age of Comics Conventions, are doing in this respect. Wonder if Capt. America would do the same?


  1. […] Superman Says He’s Tired of Being an Instrument to US Policies…Renounces Citizenship ( […]

  2. […] Superman Says He’s Tired of Being an Instrument to US Policies…Renounces Citizenship ( […]