St Louis Woman Falsely Accuses 3 Black men of Knock Out Game Attacks

Knock Out Game victimA couple of weeks ago I penned an article pointing out the fallacy of the so-called ‘Knock Out Game‘ and the possible dangers if we started buying into what was essentially a far right smear campaign.. Well since then a couple of things have come to light.. First the teacher who is shown being punched in a video by a teenage boy in Pittsburgh, Pa  as they passed him with a group of friends, was interviewed the other day and he’s pretty pissed off..

He says he feels he was exploited and being forced to relive something that took place a year and a half ago. Furthermore he doesn’t believe he was the victim of any knock out game.. He says as I noted, he was assaulted plain and simple. He was not victim to some nationwide trend..

The other case coming to light is that one of the more celebrated ‘nationwide‘ knock out game cases took place in St Louis.. This case involved a woman named Ashley DePew and 3 Black males was frequently sighted as proof of how the game was spreading.. The woman had to get facial reconstructive surgery.. Turns out the young woman was never assaulted by 3 Black males. She was covering up for her boyfriend.. Police were scouring all over looking for 3 Black males..She says she didn’t want any repercussions with her or her boyfriend’s family so she lied.. Read about that here—>

Dov hikindLastly one of the main alarmnist NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind,  who has been making noise and trying to get harsh legislation passed around the Knock Out game claiming that its all the rage in Brooklyn and spreading like wildfire, has a serious checkered past . He likes to wear Blackface and defends doing so. Maybe he been so hyped on the ‘knock out’ game to protect himself for folks who wanna knock him out for wearing Blackface, but lets not digress.>>

On top of that even the police in NY aren’t backing all his wild claims. They say
don’t believe the hype –>

Reminds me of the case a few years ago when a white woman claimed there was a Black woman in Portland throwing acid on people’s faces..It made national headlines.. people went off talking about how ‘crazy’ and ‘mean spirited’ Black women were.. Money poured in for the victim ..It was all a lie

Like I said in the article.. Its big business to blame Black folks. Now when folks get mad and wanna react to the false accusations and narratives, we are gonna be told to be forgiving and loving like Mandela

-Davey D-