Hip-Hop has Officially Been Occupied!


Filmed live at Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Pittsburgh by Director Paradise Gray, Jasiri X reconnects with super producer Cynik Lethal to provide a soundtrack for this growing movement that has taken the world by storm. We gonna Occupy!

Also check Davey D’s interview with Jasiri X about the Occupy Movement



  1. i like this article.i think more people need to stand-up and speak their mind.it messed up because lots of people are trying to shut-down the whole OCCUPY 99% thing.its messed up people are speaking their minds n telling the truth and they get told to shut-up n get arrested.i am writing an essay about hip-hop and politics and found this website.some articles have helped me with my essay and so far this is a very good site.in Sacramento,police said its hurting peoples safety because they have to put all law enforcement at the protests and park but i think that’s 100% BS.they need to find some real people to arrest who are doing real crimes and really breaking the law.

  2. becareful of movements that spring up out of nowhere black people 🙂

  3. “There is only one boss. The customer. And he/she can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his/her money somewhere else.”
    Sam Walton

    So who’s first!


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