Davey D Interview w/ Common: Music, Movies, Politics & Life

I caught up with Common a few weeks ago when he came to NASA Aimes Research Center in Mountainview and headlined a huge concert for Yuri’s Night. We talked to him about his career and his upcoming movie with Queen Latifah ‘Just Wright’ which opened up this weekend. Here Common plays the role of an injured basketball player.


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  1. you know i love you davey, and love common too.. BUT.. LOL!!!

    … come on though, for real.. we need folks to put in the same kind of work in their politics that they do in their art… more so maybe. all this time in, there has to be more to say about obama than “hope” and “we all from chicago” or “we all black…” intellect, art, muscles, all need the same kind of work, nothing comes easy.

    keep bangin’